A thread in honour of Rats!


Room of Angel
Jan 13, 2005
I love Rats, my girlfriend and i have had them on and off for around 7 years, we recently got two beatifull females (as yet unamed!)

Rats have so much charachter and display an incredible ammount of intelligence something i have tested and witnessed with my own eyes!!

Some Rat facts for you people:

A group of Rats is called a Mischief
There are officially 60 million Rats in the uk.
Thats 1 Rat to 1 person
Out of these 60million, about 200 pass on Weils disease.
So that's only 1 rat in every 300,000!
Rats are scrupulously clean. They spend hours every day carefully grooming themselves and each other.
Their reputation for being filthy, comes from their proximity to man,
as they recycle the rubbish he discards everyday.
If humans were tidier, there would be fewer Rats.
They take care of the injured and sick in their groups
The Rat is the first symbol of the Chinese Zodiac -
A symbol of cunning and prosperity
The ancient Mayan civilisation used to worship the Rat,
as did the ancient Egyptians.
The herb Valerian is the Ratty equivalent of Catnip.
The pied piper is said to have used it to aid his famed rat removal efforts

I personally have found that Rats enjoy loud heavy metal, i shit you not!!!!

A Rat i had a couple of years ago called 'Tramp' loved the songs "DNR" and "Down for Life" by Testament, he would go crazy in his cage but only when those songs came on it was like he was moshing!!....He also was aware that "Down for Life" comes after "DNR" on that particular CD !!

Another Rat we had called Rudigar loved 'Painkiller' and actually stole the cd from me, i found it months after she passed away hidden with biscuits, coins and other items!

So any of you guys here like/love/own/owned or been pwned by Rats???
I'd really be interested in any "Tails" you may have to tell..........
Well, last summer i was out drinking round town one evening (as you do) :kickass: and i was walking past some rather full smelly rubbish bins. Then about a dozen rats burst out of the bins in front of me :yell: and ran into some bushes. I nearly shit myself :ill:. I haven't walked down that path since then :eek: . Im sure your rats are great, but just thinking about the ones in town sends a shiver down my spine :waah: LOL.
Back when I was 19 I bought a female black and white hooded rat, for what reason I have absolutely no idea. Because zero thought had gone into this, and because my mother would have had a screaming shit-fit, I had neglected to buy a cage, so for the first couple of nights she slept in a box, and came out with me during the day, stuffed down my jumper.

Skates (named after Rat Skates the Overkill drummer) ended up going EVERYWHERE with me, and the only time she went in the cage was at night as I was scared I might crush her by accident. Once or twice I did forget to put her in (OK, I was probably too pissed), and I swear to you I woke in the middle of the night with her perched on my chest "talking" to me.
She would stick her head out of the top of my leather when I was on my motorbike, get a breath of fresh air, then back down below for a while. At college, she used to sleep quite happily, but did on occasion go for a little wander between my stomach and my wrist, via the armpit. One of my lecturers saw this twitching lump one day and assumed there was something terribly wrong with me!!!!
She even came down to the Old Bailey and sat in on a murder trial with me in the public gallery. (Dumbshit idea really, if she had surfaced and been spotted by some old trout all hell could have been let loose)

She was clean, and didn't stink. Yes, there was dry cack pellets and the odd wet dab but nothing that is going to worry any youth! The girls used to love her (after the initial screaming fit when she popped her head out of my collar), and my whole family loved her, even the old dear. When she died, there wasn't a dry eye in our house, I can assure you.

Rats are fantastic pets, intelligent and will become part of the family. Downsides are that they don't have really long life-spans and ......erm, they don't fetch your slippers. They will fetch your paper, but it will be shredded when you get it! Male rats grow far bigger than the females, but they do ming a tad, they scent mark constantly.
Don't feed them chocolate. They love it, but it is really really bad for them. Like fatal, apparently.

Yep, I love rats!!
Though I haven't had another, I really don't think anything could follow Skates.
Awesome story badlad! Thanks for sharing! Every line brought a smile and brought back memories of other Rats i have had! Did you ever get more Rats after Skates? She sounds alot like our first Rat 'Rudigar' she was the one who stole my Painkiller disk!

Your right about the lifespan, really sad !

Crusader747 - Ive only seen 'wild' Rats once or twice in my life and they seem to grow bigger than the domestic variety and they do appear much more scary i guess!

And 'Dancing Undercover' is totally awesome!!! I love all the 80's Ratt albums when Stephen Piercy was on Vocals! ..... Fookin' Jizzy Pearl my Ass!!!
valanx said:
And 'Dancing Undercover' is totally awesome!!! I love all the 80's Ratt albums when Stephen Piercy was on Vocals! ...
Lol. Yeah, i bought all there albums when i was 17 :grin:
Speaking of Rats, has anyone else seen the movie? LOL

