A thread title so intriguing you have to check it out (Heavy super cosmic death metal

The Uncreator

The Art Of Uncreation
Apr 16, 2009

Going to keep it short, would just like to know what you think of my tunes. Its a bit lengthy, but there is plenty going on, guitar solos, key solos, bass solos, my personal best vocal production to date, heavy riffs, fast riffs, ambient riffs, sci-fi lyrics, all the good stuff.

And if you have the times, please check Lascaille's Shroud on the ol' book of faces and toss a like at us



Also,while this is here, here is another one. Much shorter, with a Final Fantasy style beginning to it, some Uematsu style chords in the beginning.

YouTube link doesn't work, but I checked it out on your SoundCloud. Some cool ideas in there, particularly at 7:30, I really like that. Sounds like Draconian. A lot of areas are really untight though. Mix-wise there's nothing that pokes out as being particularly bad, but everything could be improved. It's not a bad mix but it's not a great mix yet either. I don't know whether the bass is out of tune or what, but it sticks out weirdly in places.
Its fretless, probably needs some touch up.


Its also Trilian, I dont actually own a fretless sadly, or a real bass anymore. Sad story, but I use the clean bass settings on trilian and treat it like a normal bass. Get some pretty good settings. I personally prefer the bass to poke out, I like it so it just might be me over compensating for it as well.

As for the youtube link, I deleted an old google account, which was a secondary account to my youtube account (which was a yahoo email) and in deleting it the youtube channel got deleted. I'm super pissed and reuploading everything. Link is fixed above