a time limit on rape -

i wish i was a guy for a day in order to understand the feeling KC describes about being near to the release and not able to control oneself.
most sexual problems are the spawn of not being able to actually understand the other's sexuality, but no amount of talking is going to solve this, because there will always be an issue of trust.
Yeah, sew it in your sack... :lol:

Seriously now, I see your point, KC, but I dont agree. Could you imagine your sister (imagine, if you dont have one) in such situation? She wants it at first, but then the guy gets all aggressive, and she wants him to stop - meaning really wants him to stop. But the guy goes on, fighting her etc... Now, I cant imagine you seeing the fact that he was already inside and the instincts took over as an extenuating circumstance. I agree with hyena, that its all about understanding your partner's sexuality, which I think can only be acquired after a longer relationship. Imo the situation you describe can happen legaly only if the partner is sure that the other one gets off on stuff like that. Maybe thats what all the women from the survey you read want - a rough sex, but in a safe and familiar environment. I really doubt theyd prefer to be raped by a stranger.
What still eludes me is the reason for this law. Why should this law exist and why would a woman change her mind in bed that drastically? Ive come up with those 3 situations in which a woman might change her mind, but I dont see a reason for a timelimit anywhere. If a guy drugs a girl so he can have sex with her, it's rape right away imo.
Like KC said before, if the woman changes her mind and the guy goes on, he's an asshole alright, but a change of opinion does not make it rape.
Is there really a significant number of decision-happy women out there this law needs to protect or is this a giant pile of unnecessary discussion?
Well, of course, time-limit is a stupid idea in itself, theres no doubt about that, and if this is really the only issue in the debate, then to hell with it. However, theres always a big problem with legal definitions of illegal action, because then the law enforcement depends on them, i.e. you have to define what is a rape. Hence the necessity of discussion. The changing-her-mind issue can be easily abused by either side, which makes it the more complicated.
@marduk: If the dude is fighting her to stay inside, like I said, it's assault. If the woman says stop but he says "a little longer" and continues fucking away, that's not rape.

If I had a sister I'd just never want to imagine her having sex fullstop :p... And if she came up and told me her BF wouldn't stop after she said, I'd be a little confused as to why she wanted to stop, like tal said... But I'd probably have words with the guy about it... like "Who'd you think you are you fucking arsehole?!" I wouldn't jump to charging him as a rapist... cos that's such a serious charge.

To me rape is, a woman in the subway alone is dragged in to a doorway, smacked up and fucked and left there emotionally traumatised. Not "Lets fuck... oh yeah, feels so good... wait... lets not".