Is the boy going to come to hang out with us on April?
Oh quit being a fag. Half the fun is pretending to be those people.Civility in terms of respecting the differing opinions of others in a polite manner during conversation is fine, but the monocle and pipe are the talismans of a social class that is extremely concerned with how they present themselves to others. You can't have much of an honest conversation while spending your energy putting up a facade.
Yes, I am well aware that I am overthinking an offhand comment.
shaving is lame b/c it makes the hair thicker and it itches after like what?... 3 days when it grows again? If you've been waxing for years - you'll have less hair 'down there' and it grows slowly.
Plus, you really need to let it be 2 millimeters in order to wax it back out, so it's less than 2 weeks, and when it grows back- its soft and not thick like when shaved.
I just hate shaving hair. Wax is so superior.
*hands Izabel a col beer*