a tour in france....please.. when???

Now on how many boards can we have a talk about pubic hair in civil discourse? Uncivilized, my ass. I should reward everyone with a monocle and pipe.
This pretty much sums up my thoughts on "appropriate" behavior:

Perhaps, but some civility in conversation actually helps when it comes to trying to understand the other side's preferences. Plus, I find it funnier to have "serious" discussion over pubic hair than a snarkfest about some band touring France.
Civility in terms of respecting the differing opinions of others in a polite manner during conversation is fine, but the monocle and pipe are the talismans of a social class that is extremely concerned with how they present themselves to others. You can't have much of an honest conversation while spending your energy putting up a facade.

Yes, I am well aware that I am overthinking an offhand comment. :goggly:
Civility in terms of respecting the differing opinions of others in a polite manner during conversation is fine, but the monocle and pipe are the talismans of a social class that is extremely concerned with how they present themselves to others. You can't have much of an honest conversation while spending your energy putting up a facade.

Yes, I am well aware that I am overthinking an offhand comment. :goggly:
Oh quit being a fag. Half the fun is pretending to be those people.

shaving is lame b/c it makes the hair thicker and it itches after like what?... 3 days when it grows again? If you've been waxing for years - you'll have less hair 'down there' and it grows slowly.
Plus, you really need to let it be 2 millimeters in order to wax it back out, so it's less than 2 weeks, and when it grows back- its soft and not thick like when shaved.

I just hate shaving hair. Wax is so superior.

*hands Izabel a col beer*

I can see waxing the front part...but not all the dark crevices of sensitive skin further inward. I imagine it would feel much like putting a wax strip to your eyelid, ouch! So yeah, I just stick to shaving. It doesn't make me itch, except sometimes in the summer when sweating.
I think I can speak for everyone (at least every male) in the forum by asking the ladies for proof of how it's better or worse with personal pics and step by step photo instructions of yourselves doing it.

I'd also like it by close of business today, if you could.