A Tragedy in the Theatre

Which Theatre of Tragedy album do you love most?

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As some of you may already know, if not by our own sources then surely by me in my other recent post/poll, that Liv Kristine is out of Theatre of Tragedy. (For details on all that, check out my "Bless the Century Child" thread) Hopefully they work it out and she'll be back, but I doubt it because of their press statement.

Well, now that she is out of the band it marks yet ANOTHER stage in the Theatre of Tragedy sound. And any Theatre of Tragedy fan knows all of THEIR changes! Even though now we don't exactly know what to look forward to, we can discuss, and maybe dwell, on their past. Choose your favorite album.

I listen 'till Aegis. Then, i lost their way, 'cause they change too much for my kind of music that i listen. So, i will listen again, if they made music nearly the 2 firsts CD'S. They were Ok, growls and Liv, but when they changed, i didn't like it.
It seems like they want so bad to be pop stars, although I did find enjoyment in Musique but their last one was atrocious

Aegis was a good gothic album
before that it was quite too cheesy I must say
I didn't know Liv is no longer in the band.

A Rose for the Dead is the only song I've heard.
Well this is my deal with Theatre of Tragedy, which is basically a unanimous agreement with most of us.

I like the first three albums. I love the death/angelic vocal trade off style they had while playing Paradise Lost-esque music on those first two albums, though there is something about Aegis that stands out a bit more. I enjoy Musique as what it is, an industrial album. Musique is definitely more for my industrial side. But that doesn't mean I support the new direction they chose to follow. I think that they should have stayed/go back to growling and female vocals (although sadly Liv won't be handling them anymore). Their first few albums had a lot of the Norwegian anti-christianity that I think set them apart from many gothic bands.

That's another thing. I'm not really into gothic that much. I do listen to (of course) Theatre of Tragedy, Lacuna Coil, Type O Negative, To/Die/For, a bit of Virgin Black, Xandria and Nightwish (if you want to call these last two gothic). Gothic is not really my kind of genre. BLACK, DEATH, and DOOM take up most of my time-not to mention GRIND, THRASH, and a few others.

Well anyways, Musique is alright and I never heard Assembly, and with Liv Kristine gone I have basically lost all interest in Theatre of Tragedy. Oh well, I'll just have to keep listening to the first three albums. Fine with me!
musique was good. assembly was terrific.
and now liv got kicked out I'm afraid they do the fairytales thingy again... :(
As I'm an absolute Aegis fan, I was really pissed off by Musique. I bought it but nearly never hear it. In the french issue, there was a french version of a song, the lyrics were ridiculous.
I was so disappointed that I didn't have a look to Assembly, is it better than Musique or in the same style?
the german goth feeling that was on musique dissapeared on assembly. its all more dancy like. superb album, as i said before...
I've been listening to them since Velvet Darkness and I am more of a fan of the first three albums. There was some good stuff on the last two but I couldn't really follow the quick turn to more pop oriented songs. I miss Raymonds growls contrasting Liv's vocals. Aegis is probably their strongest album of the first three but there are enough good songs on the first two that make me pull them out and spin them once in a while. I'm curious to see where they go now, though...
Shogunautz said:
That's another thing. I'm not really into gothic that much. I do listen to (of course) Theatre of Tragedy, Lacuna Coil, Type O Negative, To/Die/For, a bit of Virgin Black, Xandria and Nightwish (if you want to call these last two gothic). Gothic is not really my kind of genre. BLACK, DEATH, and DOOM take up most of my time-not to mention GRIND, THRASH, and a few others.

I forgot to mention Without Face as a goth band I listen to. Also, I noticed that Type O Negative is more of a DOOM band than they are Goth band but they still have those Goth elements. The same can be said for Theatre of Tragedy, especially Aegis.

I do definitely enjoy Musique because of my industrial side of my music tastes but I am scared of Assembly. Mostly because EVERYONE has pretty much trashed that album and in the same way, coincidentally. They say the change is too much and they've gone too far. Now Liv is out the band! Where the hell is this band going and what the fuck are they doing? Well, all you Liv fans can check out her album Deus Ex Machina and her new band Leave's Eyes with members from her husband's band Atrocity. Thank you KATATONIA for being consistent and NOT repetitive! All hail KATATONIA!!!