A tribute to the (2nd?) greatest band EVER

wayne the goblin/robot said:
P.S im sorry dt posters and i promise not to speak ill of you again.

I think I am maturing too fast. That is the reason I post there. I need to keep the child inside me alive :)

Oh and I don't mind the negative comments. I get much harsher (and freakier (is that a word?) (can I use inner parentheses?)) at the dt forums.
Thanks to you for the Dragonforce comment (I can't do the cool quote box because damn, I suck) and I hope everyone on Forums resolves their deep-seated issues with each other.
I just wanted to add that I love Rhapsody... they're one of my top 5 favorites of all time - the only album I still need is Legendary Tales. Man, people rip on them brutally!

I happen to like fantasy, and I think as a fantasy metal band they're great. And about liking power metal with "balls".... I think the only evidence I need to argue with that point is the Dawn of Victory album. Power of the Dragonflame is also heavy as hell.

And what's with all the unicorn comments? They have two songs that I know of that mention unicorns. Oh man, Symphony X used "desperate cries" in two choruses, and no one freaks.

Plus Rhapsody has genius orchestration. Especially the new album. Also, they broke out of their familiar song formulas on the new album (even though I liked the way they already sounded).

Anyway... there are worse bands than Rhapsody that people can rip on. I don't see why they get so much shit. To me they're a talented, ambitious band.
Well said OfSinsAndShred. I would recommend you get the Emerald Sword single as well if you can find it (I found one on a zshop on amazon) - they rerecorded Land Of Immortals from Legendary Tales, and it sounds infinitely better.
Kazahana- I really do want to get those singles. One of my friends has the one with the extended "Dargor, Shadowlord..." on it (Dawn of Victory single I think?) and it's awesome! Didn't they rerecord Rage of the Winter, too?
So they did. In my stupidity I hadn't noticed - they are both on the Holy Thunderforce single, which I also purchased.

/me listens

I went on a rampage for limited edition or out of print Rhapsody (or related) cds. I got Luca Turilli's two singles, the special edition of Dark Secret which has a DVD and the special edition of SoEL2 which also has a DVD with it. The best part was, they were all really reasonable prices from amazon zshops.
TotenMitMacht said:
Thanks to you for the Dragonforce comment (I can't do the cool quote box because damn, I suck) and I hope everyone on Forums resolves their deep-seated issues with each other.

heres a corny dragonforce joke for ye: if dragonforce ever did drugs, i know which one they did..........................SPEEEEEEEEDDDDDDD!!!!!!! HA HA HA!!!
help!!! epic Hollywood Metal? what the hell is that!!! more like super dooper pooper cheese Blah!!! I must tell you the truth I wrote "Gapshitty" off as a band many times feeling the whole CD as a whole was bad....before slamming me!!! then I got the new one and the orchestrations are UNGODLIKE...very cool I will not be purchasing old CD's but will be purchasing future ones. and finally the guitar actually sounds like a guitar instead of a Computer...Koodoz!!!
Jerich said:
help!!! epic Hollywood Metal? what the hell is that!!! more like super dooper pooper cheese Blah!!! I must tell you the truth I wrote "Gapshitty" off as a band many times feeling the whole CD as a whole was bad....before slamming me!!! then I got the new one and the orchestrations are UNGODLIKE...very cool I will not be purchasing old CD's but will be purchasing future ones. and finally the guitar actually sounds like a guitar instead of a Computer...Koodoz!!!
I'm not quite sure what to say, but you might dig Dawn of Victory if you want something more guitar-oriented where "the guitar actually sounds like a guitar" (in my opinion, Luca always had a great tone, especially for speedy riffs - and it seems a bit thin on the new one).

I'm still smiling. My mouth hurts. Stop it! Seriously!

This shit is so funny! The best stuff is on page two.

and ... heheheheh... the Yngster... bwahahahahahah....

page one...
rhapsody has good synths but they get an orchastra to do most of the work and plus that high voiced singing just gets on my nerves after awhile and what is up with that like random opera singing?????? haha
On the subject of the SoEL2 special edition I mentioned, turns out it was indeed a special edition, and the best special edition cd in the universe. I shall begin this legendary tale with a rant.

Digipacks are rubbish. They are cardboard and therefore flimsy and rubbish and are just worse than jewel cases. Also, one would assume from the name that digipacks all contain some form of digital media other than the musical tracks. They don't. I hate digipacks...
The SoEL2 special edition is a digipack of sorts, however it is the greatest digipack in the history of the universe. It is made of chunker cardboard and has the amazing SoEL2 artwork on front and back. Inside is the cd, and a special DVD with various music videos and makings of including interviews with Christopher Lee, separated by a really beautifully designed inlaid booklet with the typical lyrics, band pictures and some artwork. In short, the cd case is a work of art, and you get a DVD with it, and the album kicks arse anyway. It is great, but probably only available in zshops/ebay.

Lesser digipacks should be banned.
... I got those videos and interviews on the Dark Secret EP that came out a few months before the album. And the CD liner notes for the regular album have all that stuff, too. Sounds like you got screwed, 'cept for a piece of cardboard with the art on it.
kazahana said:
I don't think it's ever been officially admitted but there seems to be a number of in-jokes on the forum that refer to the subject which all the people who have been there since time immemorial understand, but no one else does.

The vocalist is almost certainly ZP Theart, and I can't see the guitarists being anyone but Herman and Sam.

Feel The Fire 2:47 sounds very similar to Starfire 5:27
Die For Honour 0:55 sounds very similar to Fields Of Despair 1:59
Fight For Be Free 2:45 sounds very similar to Starfire 1:48

By "similar to", I mean the melodies are almost 100% the same. Fields Of Despair is from Sonic Firestorm which was released last year, whereas the Shadow Warriors stuff was 2001/2002. Thus, unless some dodgy plagiarism has occurred, it would suggest to me that the Shadow Warriors are in fact Dragonforce, or someone very close to said band.

Sam totman is in it too...

Check the "Krap" GUitar on the promos and years ago on their forum, he started a thread wanting folk to join SW, so that kinda gives it away, hahahahah

I personally love SW.

For the demoniac comment. Listen to Demoniac - Daggers and ice. That guitar work is just amazing and the solos were completely improvised.

For DF, if you HAVE to listen to only one song. Soldiers of the wasteland.
If you have more time. Buy both CDs.