A Tribute To The Strength Within


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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Sorry for the mood and tone of this poem....I had a bad day.... :cry: I'm having a good evening tho :D

Alone I walk through this forest of life
Wondering why my pain is here to stay
Night falls all around
As the Angels shed their wings
This scene of divine marionettes
And fraying godly silhoettes
Unraveling shadows at Dusk's shores
Causing rotting human cores
It was all dark and scary
I did see the light at the end
It beckoned to me in happiness
But the ceiling collapsed on top of me
Crushed underneath these bricks
And all my friends just act like pricks
They insult or leave me alone
Ignoring pleas of help from underneath stone
Trapped and crying, no place for these tears to go
Trapped like me, I drown in the flood
My body trembles as I weep in sorrow
Shaking from the coldness of my tears
Twisted and wilthered, mental decay starts
War torn and battle worn
Rigor mortis sets in my mind
Stiffening it in a state of depression
Throwing my sense of exsistence into recession
I struggle to gain back sanity
I struggle to reattain reality
But nothing works on my own
Cannot fight this war solo
As I begin to resign from this world
I see myself standing at my out-stretched hands
Staring at me with blood-revenge in her eyes
"Don't let me die, for our sake, don't give up"
She begged of me with a soundless voice
And presented me with a feverish life or death choice
Then to a world I had not known she took me
The mud, blood, and crud melted off my body
"Die and end a promising future,
Or live and outshine, out last your enemies"
This world she shown me was one of tomorrow
I was content with the shade of blue in the sky
And these tears were clear and in happiness I did cry
Feeling secure and assured of the ground beneath me feet
For the very first time did this emotion become alive
Suddenly, all went black, a dark I did not fear
Then I reappeared soiled and in pain
Back where I started but now I knew
And remembered the sky's shade of blue
This strength within and the strength that vapored
From beyond the realm of my Hammer
Thus causing the stones to crumble
Reduced to dust and beach sand
My face lifted to light and a helping hand
Myself was there once again and never left me
The Dragon of Victory flew madly in her eyes
And I knew then that my pain was done
A battle I finally fought and won
My skin became soft and the scars melted away
The war is not over and may never be
But at least now I have a win and with it a chance
The pain may be uncontrollable and anavoidable
But at least I now have the morphine
WOW!! This is the best one yet, I think. Reminds me of the song A Therapy for Pain by Fear Factory.

My day has been terrible too. Glad yours got better.

And I promise I'll get my poems out soon to post.;)