Any other teenage Metalheads have this problem?


Carebear stare!
Dec 3, 2003
My mom. She impede's on my taste in music. Can't listen to Death Angel or Death. Why? Because of the word "death," but she let's me listen to Mega"deth." She's really a big pain in the ass to go CD shopping with because she won't let me get anything!!! Even after I tell her that those bands don't worship the devil or sing about the merciless slaughter of children, she doesn't listen! She must not believe me or something. And it's not like I'm begging "Mom, can I please buy Cannibal Corpse's Gore Obsessed?" or "I want Slayer and Cradle of Filth!" I'm just askin' for good old fashion metal bands like Primal Fear and Death, not any of that Satanic or bloody gory satanic crap (some people may not think that Cannibal Corpse and Slayer are crap, but I'm just talkin' lyrics here people). And it's not like I'm asking for freakin' 'Scream Bloody Gore!' I know my mom's just trying to be a good mom, but she's being such a pain!!! And for once, I just want her to stop confusing Slayer with Slaughter and vice versa! So, do any of you other teenage metalheads have this frikkin' problem? Also, it's ok for you guys to point and laugh at me, as long as you feel lucky that you're free from this pain that I must suffer!!!
I don't have that problem, and I apparently listen to some stuff that is a lot 'worse' than what you listen to. Mom just looks at my albums whenever I happen to open a newly recieved package by the dinner table or something and says something funny like I'll grow horns soon, just like the blokes on my albums, and hooves, and a tail. She doesn't really like it and she doesn't say that to be funny, but it is and since I'm a hellakool rebel teen I can listen to whatever I want.
Sometimes being a teenager sucks, eh? :D

Why don't you show her some Death lyrics (Spiritual Healing era and onwards) and explain her what they mean, then maybe she'll concede her position.
Ok, I'll do that. I'll pick Sound of Perseverence because that was the only one I saw at the store.

I also want Twisted into Form by Forbidden, but it's got a parental advisory label. doesn't say anything about it on the re-release (it never used to say anything about Peace Sells... But Who's Buyin'? having one either, which is how that one slipped by), but I can clearly see one on the bottom right corner of the cover. I read the lyrics, and don't really get why it has an advisory label, except that maybe it's cuz of Out Of Body, Out of Mind cuz of the part about something looking to "rape my soul." Maybe for that one, I could put the lyrics up next to the lyrics of an album that's worse, but has no label (such as Scream Bloody Gore) and then have her guess which one it is. Yes, I could make a game out of it. :loco:
When I was in highschool, my best friend's mom used to come into his room while he was in school, and with out warning, destroy the CDs he bought that she didnt approve of (he had a job and bought the cds with the money he worked for). He used to hide his music like most teenagers hide their porn mags. Comming home and finding his favorite CDs gone depressed him more than some of the other fucked up shit he was going through. Next day at school I could tell just by looking at his face that she had thrown his music away. Our crowning achievment was comming home from school one day, and finding about 25 cds missing. We searched everywhere for them, in case she hadnt destroyed them. We found them in the trunk of the car in a plastic bag (I think she might have been going to the store to sell them back). We took the cds and hid them in a safe place, and left a note in the bag that said 'Not on my watch DEVIL WOMAN.' We both got an assbeating for calling his mom a devil woman, but it was worth it!
hehe! I am a lot cooler than you bunch ;)! My dad is the one who got me into metal, my mom is into classic rock and I guess she is pretty ok with our taste in music. My major life threatening problem is my brother though.

I've many friends who face the same problem as their parents are afraid that their children will sell their soul to satan! But I guess I agree with Ultimate Symphony, tell her to listen to some good bands and read the lyrics! Hopefully that will change her opinions.
what does your mom listen to? whatever it is, try to find some "bad lyrics", album covers or not moral behaviour, appearance or whatever else by her bands, artists, musicians... just to show her that there are no saints and the way you see something depends only on where you sit and how you (or someone else) want to see it. :)
Then go and show her some Testament or Death lyrics, as US says. But make sure it's not "Reign Of Terror" or "Baptized in Blood" :D
Or play her the videos to "Return To Serenity" or "The Legacy"- she'll see that and will think that satan's praisers couldn't have recorded something like that :Spin:
And if nothing changes, then tell her that it's not the music you listen to, but her restrictions that will eventually turn you into a devil worshiper.

I've never really had that problem when I was younger. My parents were just happy that I'd found something interesting to do, which wasn't drugs or fights. My father listens to all kinds of music (including metal) and mother once asked me what CD I'd bought and when I said it was Slayer, she asked if he's a rap singer. Of course, when I started growing my hair, wearing metal t-shirts, they both started wondering, looking suspiciousley at the CD covers and stuff, but I never really cared or bothered to discuss my musical taste with them. I never caused any problems, had good grades, was behaving well, and would seldom be drunk at home, never joined any religious sect, and never really gave them a reason to think metal had made me an evil creature. I think they uderstood that it's just music and it doesn't have much impact on what you think or how you behave. However, even now that I'm older, they'll call me to say something like: "have you heard that this "heavy metal" band from Norway had ensanguined cattle corpses and crucified naked people as scenography during their concert", or "did you know that satanists commited a ritual murder not far from here; they said in the TV that there are more and more such murders and the people responsible for them, derive their inspiration from metal" and other hilarious stuff like that. But that's only joking now...:D
Anyway, my advise is that you shouldn't reall care that much- they can't take your music away from you and by being totally against it, they'll make your relations cold and force you to turn away from them, get into drugs, stop learning, bla, bla, bla- just tell that to your mom, she'll understand :D
If you can, compile some slower songs for her to listen to, or better yet, some instrumentals. You can't argue with a metal instrumental.
my friend couldn't buy a testament sweatshirt at their last concert because it had a pentagram. I have had no problem, but when my brother bought a pleasure to kill kreator shirt, my mom told him he couldn't wear that. Other than that no, but my brother was pretty pissed off. Oh and about my friend not being able to wear a pentagram, it is really funny that he actually watches gory ass horror movies with his parents since he was little, but he can't wear a little pentagram?
Well..when i was a teen, my mom didnt like my music but she never told me i couldnt listen to parents respect the fact i made a choice to be an individual and actually taking an interest in something not stupid and flighty...she used to give me shit about what i wore but not what i listened to...nowadays, im an adult..she doesnt give a shit and is actually kinda excited that i have taken a more active approach to metal (going to shows and doing stuff like that) dad finds my band photos impressive..well actually they both do...i say: "Hey im gonna go see [Insert band here]!" and she goes: "ok have a good time!" and then she tells her friends and stuff that im going to see some satanic band but she doesnt object..LOL! i do tell her they arent satanic and the most intimitating thing about them is their names...(like when we went and saw Nevermore, Dimmu Borgir, and Bodom, she thought they were all satanic lol)
one time it was funny that she heard me listening to Amon Amarth and thought i was listening to Devil music until i told her they sang about Odin and
anyway, tough break kid...
My parents dont like my music, but they let me listen to what i want. Gow do you go to any concerts? My parents just approved a Children of Bodom/Iced Earth concert on the 30th.

But, no i dont have this problem. My mom respects that i like what i like, and she likes what she likes. She likes some of the stuff i am into, and has went to some concerts that i wish i went to :) My dad doesnt really care about it. My mom actually likes Black Label Society. She took my truck one day and found out she blasted it when she drove it. I was kind of surprised she liked it because she usually doesnt like my music.

well, good luck with convincing your parents to let you listen to your music.
why not be honest and direct? say...."mom, do you trust me?" and just explain it to her. Let her know how you feel and maybe you can make her come around.
My advice?

If your mom honestly won't let you get a CD, find a way to get it. Get someone else to buy it for you, go out with another family member, do something. Don't let anyone infringe on your musical tastes!

That being said, when I first got into metal at about 7th grade, I was perhaps a bit apprehensive about playing it loudly in my room, for fear that my parents would object. That quickly disappeared though, as my parents never really stopped me from getting anything, nor did they complain when stuff like Master of Puppets was being blasted. Well, sometimes my dad crabs if I have my door open and am listening to something at high volume. Hell, when I got Death's The Sound of Perseverance, I was with my mom and she bought it for me...

I think it's horrible that some parents don't let their children choose what they desire to listen to because they think that they are protecting them from some horrible influence. Metal is my passion, but it has no bearing on how I am as a person.

Now that I'm an adult, none of this matters anymore...
alphacorvus said:
My advice? Get someone else to buy it for you, go out with another family member, do something. Don't let anyone infringe on your musical tastes!

I couldn't have said it better myself. Musical lyric's do not promote bad behavior in my opinion. What you really need to do is find out what frightens her. If she believes in you, you should be able go get any kind of music that you want too!
Oh man! This thread reminds me of when I was in 7th grade and I bought "Shout at The Devil" Motley Crue. I used to listen to that album constantly after I bought it and my mom had a friend over one afternoon, her friend was all, "have you guys ever read the lyrics to that music Wendy's listening to?" My mom is a really liberal person and hard core into rock and this had never crossed her mind. Well..I left to go to a friend's house (and worship satan or something equally as bad) and my mom's friend talked her into going in my room and reading the lyrics. Well...if you know the lyrical content on this's pretty bad. Somehow my Dad got involved and freaked (he's pretty conservative). He took my album out to the garbage and broke it in half and threw it away! (It was vinyl). I was soooooooo pissed when I got home...bastards!! if that wasn't dad called the local newspaper and talked to one of the columnists about the horrible music kids listen to these days and how Motley Crue was just Vile! The asshole printed a story on the front page of the local section..complete with a picture of Nikki Sixx from the inlay AND my dad's full name. Damn..that had to be one of the most embarrassing things that has EVER happened to me! Everyone at school knew about it..and people were prank calling my house yelling "Crue rules" and other obscenities! Luckily that was the first and the last time they ever bugged me about my music..I think they felt pretty bad after it was all over. It was all that dumb bitch friend of my mom's that instigated the whole fiasco.

So..the moral of the story're not the only one! Parents can be a real pain sometimes!!
My father was even angry at me when i was listening to "Stay With Me" by Rod Stewart 11 years ago, hahahh~ Since then, i've fought w/ him for "rock" music til now...he gave up~~ it's a long fight!! i think most parents would be afraid of us being bad, even crazy serial killers (if they look at those bloody lyrics), u just prove that u wont! that's the point!
I don't approve of my mom's GNR Appetite for Destruction CD! (yes, it IS her's but she never listens to it because there are only 3 songs she likes). I also don't approve of Tom Jones's SEX BOMB!

And besides, the satanic lyrics to MegaDETH's The Conjuring scare me into being a more christian person.

I know this girl that's gonna be going to UW Madison next year and there's this nice little CD store by the campus there that sells CD's for cheap (my bro got me The New Order for $8!) So maybe... hmm... I don't know.

My mom won't let me listen to Death, but she lets me listen to Megadeth. Isn't that a bit of a contradiction? And she seems to not be aware that I'm just gonna by this stuff when I'm at college (only two more years!) anyways.

My brother is the least of my problems. If I listen to or read something that he doesn't approve of, he just says "Dan, don't listen to that! That's too evil!" That's exactly why I won't let him know that I read Spawn.

I have noticed though that my mom has grown more used to my music. Metallica's Master of Puppets used to scare her out of the room. Now, Testament's Demonic Refusal doesn't even do the trick!!! Now, if I could only get her to like that music...