Fellow Metalheads, does this ever happen to you???


From the vastly deep
Jun 17, 2002
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Maybe it's because I'm female, but I was wondering if you guys have to go through this kind of crap at work like I do..

People seem fascinated by the fact that I listen to the music I do and they are constantly trying to talk music with me. They ask assinine questions like, Hey Wendy, have you heard the new Kid Rock? It's really great. OR when trying to pick out a music station to listen to they try to impress me by choosing the local nu-metal station and say shit like. Hey Wendy, I figured we'd listen to your kind of music today! Oh and this really kills me, some hip hop lovin jackass walks by me and flashes the devil horns...I just look at them like WTF?? What makes me sick is everyone in that place can't even begin to relate to my musical taste, or have ANYTHING in common with me because they are all limited to what is played on the radio. THAT'S ALL THEY FUCKING LISTEN TO!!! They don't even try to stray from the mainstream. How can you do that and find any kind of satisfaction in your music? I guess if you're lazy, the radio will suffice. I was just wondering if it's just the fact that I'm female, and it's fascinating to some retards that I listen to extreme music or if the guys go through this too?

Oh yea...the reason they all know what I listen is because I'm constantly having to ask for days off for shows...and then they are all, "Who are you going to see?" Then I tell them the name of the bands and they, of course have to ask, "What kind of music is that?" I tell them metal and they say shit like, "Oh yea, I like metal too" and start naming bands that make me nauseous(sp?) I, of course, act cordial and nod in recognition of the garbage they listen to and try to change the subject.

Discuss :)
You and I have a lot in common it seems Wendy. I get that shit ALL THE TIME. People always throw the devil horns at me and say "rock on man" , or some bullshit like that. I have been going through that my whole life actually, in school , and at work. I honestly don't give a crap if other people like my music or not. It's not for them, it's for me. And actually, I'm glad the music I listen to ISN'T in the mainstream, this way the retarded general public won't ruin it. I have so many stories of ignorant people , asking me ignorant questions regarding the music we all listen to. You are not alone !
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Vic Rattlehead said:
All the dumbasses at school said I was a devil worshipper because the word "death" is in Megadeth.

Yeah people are retards.

Hahaha, a guy actually told a friend of mine "you know what AC/DC means?!! ANTI-CHRIST DEATH-CHRIST!".

That's awesome.
This happens to me all the time as well. But I don't get as much of a reaction out of people compared to others who have responded to this thread because I tend to be very low-key about it. I don't talk about metal with people in school (unless its one of my bandmates or 2 or 3 metal friends in the school), and when someone asks me about my music tastes I tend to avoid the questions as much as I can. Not because I'm ashamed of what I listen to, but because I don't really feel like giving the long explanation to people. Still though, when I wear my shirts its funny to see some people's reactions. Almost every time I've worn my Emperor shirt I've had people come up to me trying to figure out what the hell it says.
Vic Rattlehead said:
All the dumbasses at school said I was a devil worshipper because the word "death" is in Megadeth.

Yeah people are retards.

Yea, I've gotten that more than once. Just last week I was at school and one of the guys in my writing class looked at my shirt and said, "What's up devil?" (I had my Testament Legions girlie long sleeve on with the green Testament skull and pentagram on the front) I just said , "It's a band jackass!"
This happens to me too... I don't wear my metal shirts when I work or at university though... cause of ethics... but people know by my looks I listen to metal. I am mostly referred as an " '80s rocker lost in time" which kinda pisses me off... But I don't give a shit cause I listen to what I like...

Another thing, as far as nu metal goes and people asking me about nu metal bands being so heavy and hard... They know quite fast my opinions on it... then people stab me that I'm close minded, etc. once again I don't give a fuck... cause as a matter of fact I can listen to anything really ( although I do have a problem with hip hop and I'd slam some skateboards on those gangsters wannabe). As long as people don't try and put it into my head that some band is heavy, slays everything I listen to, isn't outdated, etc.

But heh.. Music is about tastes... and I just think nobody has the same exact tastes on the planet...

P.S. to come back to the main point, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! ;-)
hiddenlegions said:
You and I have a lot in common it seems Wendy. I get that shit ALL THE TIME. People always throw the devil horns at me and say "rock on man" , or some bullshit like that. I have been going through that my whole life actually, in school , and at work. I honestly don't give a crap if other people like my music or not. It's not for them, it's for me. And actually, I'm glad the music I listen to ISN'T in the mainstream, this way the retarded general public won't ruin it. I have so many stories of ignorant people , asking me ignorant questions regarding the music we all listen to. You are not alone !
The devil horns are the funniest, because people think you're going to think they are really cool if they flash 'em at ya. They're all, "Hey, look at me! I listen to Linkin Park and I'm flashin the devil horns....rock on dude!"

Here's a good one, about a month ago one of the guys I work with came up to me and was all, "Hey Wendy, guess who's playing up in Salem next week? I bet you already have tickets!" I was all, "Who?" and he goes, "GODSMACK" (while simultaniously waving the horns in the air). I just started laughing uncontrollably and said, "Those guys suck! Their albums are like one continuous repetitive song! I wouldn't go see them if they were paying me to see how long it took my ears to bleed." He kind of wilted and said, "Well I like them."

~how unfortunate......
hahahaha... and one thing I really do get more than anything else... People asking me for weed... I also got asked if I had any weed at a mall by a 15 years old skater... 15 !!!!!!

wtf?!? do I look like the nearby junky who wants to give his extra stuff... first I don't do drugs anymore... second... I AM NOT A PUSHER!

When it gets to the horns.... people do it to me a lot... mostly in public transportations... I just grin at them and laugh out loud in my head... god, some people really have a LOOOOOOOOW self esteem of themselves in order for other people tell them they are soooo cool because they "know" of a musical genre.
What really annoys me is when people ask if I play any instrument, which of course I play 4, and then they ask "you want to jam together sometime?"

I mean, just because I play instruments doesn't mean I want to play the same music as you! Not too mention they don't even know what my music sounds like.
Heheheh. People at my school thought I was a junkie last year because of my eczema (non-contagious skin rash that looks like track marks and pops up every so often in needle spots).

Believe it or not, my metalness has increased people's respect for me at school. Just about everyone who counts (i.e., the class of 04 and very select juniors and sohpomores) is into Sabbath, Maiden, and Metallica. I know a couple of girls in band who are generally very much into classical and emo; honors students with ridiculously high GPAs, etc. And they own Master of Puppets and And Justice For All and absolutely love them.

The metalness is there; it's just a matter of helping it grow from a small spark into a raging inferno of thrashing fury. I'm doing my part. :D
Rarely, but it does happen from time to time. I remember the other day some 7 or 8 year old kids were playing nearby while I was washing my car and I had Dark Tranquillity's Damage Done playing on my car's stereo while washing it. Some of the kids started roaring like little animals, obviously mocking Stanne's vocals. I started thinking ''these little fucks are not even old enough to wipe their ass properly and they are making fun of the music I listen to?'' :D
actually, phearthejewfro brings up a good point.... having been through all that shit (and generally annoyed to no end), this is your opportunity to convert the masses.

OBVIOUSLY they're interested, they want to learn... but its really an exercise in patience. It used to drive me absolutely fucking crazy, the shit you're talking about, but you have to remember that someone else got exposed us at some point until we got into it and we're able to make good choices. Explain why certain records/bands are bad, and maybe burn them some CDs if they really seem interested.

We all started somewhere as babybangers (and some o you still are..... how's the guitar playing going pajama ninja?). People can't learn if we don't teach them.
Hmm... Maybe this is more of an American phenomenon... People here in Sweden tend to just mostly leave you alone in my experience.
in america, we have a thing called Brittney Spears and Good Charlotte, fans of the aforementioned groups tend to think all metal is noise, therefore try suffocating us in bullshit stories about how we are evil