A truly special festival for me....

Glenn, it's very cool that you're willing and able to use your position to put a bright spot in the life of people who got dealt a bad hand; between the guy last year, the Schnells, and this, we all know what a good guy you really are.
That is truly awesome Glenn, you are good people. Thanks for sharing, and as someone else already said you'll always have my support as well.
Hey Glenn,

That's awesome.

I met Kyle and his mom on Friday night, and Kyle was a super nice guy. The batteries in his mom's camera had gone dead, so my wife and I offered to take a bunch of pictures for them for Friday night. Kyle's also a big fan of Angra. I was able to get some pictures of the band during the autograph session, and I got quite few good ones for their show also. When I talked to Kyle and his mom again on Saturday, she had batteries. Kyle was very excited about seeing Stratovarius. I'm not sure I've ever met anybody more genuinely enthusiastic about music in my life. It was great to see him having such a good time. I e-mailed with Nancy this week, and she was happy to have been able to take Kyle and to have survived all that heavy metal herself! One of our mutual friends had told me that weekend what you did for Kyle, and I think it's great. You're not just a great promoter, you're also a great humanitarian. Way to go!

I think it's pretty awesome how you were able to help this kid's dream come true. During a week where all of us (myself included) were bitching about hotel rooms and other random shit, it's humbling to see it all put into perspective. Kudos.
Glenn, I've always believed that music has the capacity to heal. Not in the same way the Medical Arts, do per se. More of healing the heart/soul. You've managed to incorporate both of these aspects of healing into your life for the sake of others and that speaks volumes about your character. We are all fortunate to have you in our lives in some way, and I thank you.
wow i was sitting next to that dude both days. i had NO idea he had williams syndrome. he appeared very normal, and i even talked with him very briefly. I am once again seeing the miracle of music's healing. so awesome, it is.
Joe-× said:
Hey Glenn,

That's awesome.

I met Kyle and his mom on Friday night, and Kyle was a super nice guy. The batteries in his mom's camera had gone dead, so my wife and I offered to take a bunch of pictures for them for Friday night. Kyle's also a big fan of Angra. I was able to get some pictures of the band during the autograph session, and I got quite few good ones for their show also. When I talked to Kyle and his mom again on Saturday, she had batteries. Kyle was very excited about seeing Stratovarius. I'm not sure I've ever met anybody more genuinely enthusiastic about music in my life. It was great to see him having such a good time. I e-mailed with Nancy this week, and she was happy to have been able to take Kyle and to have survived all that heavy metal herself! One of our mutual friends had told me that weekend what you did for Kyle, and I think it's great. You're not just a great promoter, you're also a great humanitarian. Way to go!


Well, maybe you aren't the amazing fuckhead after all!
I remember seeing Kyle around at the show, but I never would have guessed that he was plagued with such a horrible disease. It's comforting to find out about moments such as this one. Once again, music brings people together and raises spirits. Rock on, Kyle, and another job well done, Glenn.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Hey, Glenn, you deserve a million times of hearing the guys from Stride (and the rest of the 6.1 room) singing "Wanted Dead or Alive" for that.

13ShadesofGray said:
Glenn, I've always believed that music has the capacity to heal. Not in the same way the Medical Arts, do per se. .

Actually, research HAS been done to test this hypothesis, with beneficial results. At least, that's what I remember from the Nordoff-Robbins Institute benefit at Knebworth back in 1990.

Meanwhile, not only does this thread give me increased respect for Glenn, but I also learned about something I never knew about before. Thank you for informing us about Williams Disease Glenn