a very dissapointed anthrax fan


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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yes people it looks like australia will get shafted again,dont mind the 1000 plus people u got on the stomp tour in each cityantharx dont want to tour australia,what do i say ok how thw hell do some bands whether it be death black metal or whatever tour here when they prob sell 100 copies or more find the tim e to tour here,because they want to tyhats why,truly people i am lost for words,anthrax dont want to come for us all they are already burned out after a few months of touring,i remeber scott saying bout kirk hammett,if i ever here u complaining about touring i'll kick your ass...but one things for sure metallica tour like hell..

cheers people i am out for drinks now and i am thouroghly disgusted with anthrax
mrthrax said:
yes people it looks like australia will get shafted again,dont mind the 1000 plus people u got on the stomp tour in each cityantharx dont want to tour australia,what do i say ok how thw hell do some bands whether it be death black metal or whatever tour here when they prob sell 100 copies or more find the tim e to tour here,because they want to tyhats why,truly people i am lost for words,anthrax dont want to come for us all they are already burned out after a few months of touring,i remeber scott saying bout kirk hammett,if i ever here u complaining about touring i'll kick your ass...but one things for sure metallica tour like hell..

cheers people i am out for drinks now and i am thouroghly disgusted with anthrax
That sucks.
But...I asked Charlie about this, he said that they'll tour Australia when the promoters get it together......

Where did you hear that they don't want to tour Australia?
It cost's a lot of money to tour Australia and Japan - and it is very hard to make any of that money back no matter how successful the turnout is. There are too many nuances to explain it here in any detail. Check out the book KISS and Sell - this book is written from MBA's pov about the rock world and explains how a band can sell out stadiums and still lose their ass in Oz and Japan, let alone fly over there to play clubs. I don't think it's Anthrax's fault, they just can't hop on a plane and come play Oz. I know for a fact they LOVE it there. On the Vol. 8 tour they were still raving about the 96 tour there and how they'd love to get back because it is sooo beautiful. But someone has to put it together the right way.
Dude stop whining...shit like this is not in the band's control...I wouldn't be surprised if the local promoters down there have something to do with it. I'm sure they'd love to play everywhere possible, but hauling ass just to get stiffed ain't worth it...

Anyways, don't trip...just wait a while, the album just barely got worldwide release, give it some time...
yeah i know i am winging people and alot of what i said is just out of frustration and drunken ramblings but i just want to see my fav fucking band,its as simple as that,it could be as simple as promotors wanting more time but when the band is gonna be as close as japan i really got my hopes up,although i see the band making at least 2 more records i really feel that if they were to tour here it would prob be the last time.

please keep the reviews coming people!!!
The band has every intention of going to Australia.
They wanted to go in July before the Fuji fest in Japan but the promoters said it was too early. They will be there on this record.
Where the fuck did you hear they're not coming ????

Everywhere I read they're saying they are coming here.
AlexStomp said:
Well, why don't you plan a holiday in the states or europe right around the time thrax tour?

mate if the australia dollar was a bit higher in the conversion stakes i would love to go to america,then the accomodation is another thing altogether,if i had family or friends over there it would be pretty cheap to go overseas.

at one stage the aussie dollar was less than 50 cents to 1 american dollar,it is improving cause our economy is pretty strong but its still only around the 65 cent mark.

we'll see what happens,if the band dont get here before the end of the year u never know,i do have 2 months holidays up my sleeve so never say never.