A very stupid question on Dropped B tuning?

For anything below C, just tune what would regularly be the "A" string using a tuner, and do the low/dropped string by ear. There is no way around it, fret at an octave and tune until it sounds right. This might also help if your intonation is slithtly off, but proper setup is the most important factor for recording reasonable guitar tracks, so go and intonate your axe.
Appreciate the responses guys.

Would Ernies do a better job than D'Addarios or it's all a matter of taste and how often they break?
^ Taste.

Why so much hate for vst tuners? I've used pod farm tuner for drop b and sounded fine. I recently started using gtune and it's perfectly fine and consistent for a recording ( I now use d or e standard tuning for my own stuff).
tune to the attack, not the sustain (i.e. pick it constantly while tuning instead of just letting it ring out). this will give a slightly different tuning so make sure to repeat across the other strings as well.
I use a .070 for my low B on a 25.5" guitar. I don't mind that it's a bit heavy, it gives much better tuning stability on the low B.