A Visible Music


The science of cymatics has emerged using piezoelectric crystal oscillators to vibrate various powders, liquids, gases and blazing plasmas at thousand of cycles per second unleashing a new brand of molecular excitement. -Guy Murchie, The Seven Mysteries of Life: An Exploration of Science and Philosophy, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1978, p. 468.

Behind all this beauty and confusion,
behind this garment of words
can be found myriads of mystic meaning,
melodies concealed in mystery,
symphonies no one can hear,
music of the spheres, as if unleashing
a new brand of molecular excitement
that can sew sand into lace,
weave honey into tapestries
by a vibrational structure
that means life in every drop
of rain or flake of snow,
dancing and throbbing,
ordering the textures, shapes and life
of everything in the universe,
making music itself visible
in photographic fidelity.

Ron Price
29 November 1996