a way to route ever single kit piece from EZDrummer/Metal Machine?


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
So, I forget exactly how many Output channels are provided in EZDrummer, but I've run into an issue where I select Multi-Out for all my kit pieces and it routes everything to their own separate tracks in Reaper.

Except the toms.

They are all on the same channel, because I don't have enough routing options inside EZDrummer.

Am I missing something silly? Do I have to use 2 instances of EZD? I simply cannot work with all the toms being on Track 5 or whatever it is.

unfortunately, the toms are "baked" into one stereo track, IIRC this is the only thing that really sucks about EZ.
a possible solution would be adding two or more instances of EZ and load the toms seperately, it's a mess and very confusing though.
Use the "Original Mix" preset, it has every tom on its own mixer channel which can be routed to where ever you like.

I'll check into this when I get back home, thanks. But does this mean other kit pieces are sacrificed? I would ideally like something like:

-snare top
-snare bottom
-OH (all crashes)

and I noticed Metal Machine has "Ambience" and "Reverb" channels as well. Assuming ambience is room? I haven't played around with it too much yet and I'm away on a job and don't have it on this computer. So far it seems the single Slate kit I have sounds beefier than the MM stuff.
Use the "Original Mix" preset, it has every tom on its own mixer channel which can be routed to where ever you like.

Got a chance to try this and I didn't even have the "Original Mix" preset available. It looks like I'm stuck with all toms on a single track.

I've also noticed that MM drums sound quite thinner than the one Slate pack I have. This seem right?!
Got a chance to try this and I didn't even have the "Original Mix" preset available. It looks like I'm stuck with all toms on a single track.

I've also noticed that MM drums sound quite thinner than the one Slate pack I have. This seem right?!

I seem to remember Original Mix presets came with the latest updates. I haven't tested it myself.
Hmm, thanks. I'll have to wait until the weekend before I can try that. I actually got the MM pack straight off my bassists disc because apparently it let's you install it on 2 machines/gives 2 licenses which was cool of them. So I probably have the base version.
Got a chance to try this and I didn't even have the "Original Mix" preset available. It looks like I'm stuck with all toms on a single track.

I've also noticed that MM drums sound quite thinner than the one Slate pack I have. This seem right?!

Every time I hear Slate drums they sound nice, but they seem to be basically pre-processed. The snares all have ridiculous reverb tails and the kicks are all slappy out of the box. Most of the EZX's I own tend to provide you with less-processed and more-processed versions of each drum, particularly the kick. In some EZX's, there's a snare or two with that bumpy bottom end and prominent verb already mixed in, or at least switchable through the kit room/verb presets. The snares for MM are all fairly dry for whatever reason, so that could sound thinner if you weren't expecting it, mostly because I think that's Andy's style. You can always add a low shelf and clip the snare for a more Slate-esque, mid-focused sound, and you can just put a reverb insert or a reverb aux channel to add to it.

Also...thought I posted in this thread originally, but couldn't use some tool in your DAW to route a certain MIDI key or set of keys to a new track, so you can specifically have it target each individual tom using the piano roll midi numbers?
I'm not sure about that, to be honest. It's not the end of the world as I really only use programmed drums for my own demo ideas. But...yeah....not being able to work on each tom individually is a pest! I'll check for the later updates and see what that brings me. And you know what - what you said about the Slate is totally true. Just the other day I was rending out instruments from an old session so my bandmates could hear everything solo'd and I just could NOT get rid of the snare verb no matter what I did. Finally it sunk in that it was baked into the sample. :lol: