A year ago,


12 Kermit the Frogs in a Denny's parking lot
Aug 10, 2009
New Hampshire
Mike Alexander tragically passed in Sweden.
I still miss that guy, even if I didn't meet him :(
To lighten the mood, I shall post 2 videos that always make me laugh,

RIP Mike <3
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Oh my god I LOVE THAT VIDEO :lol:
I miss him too, even though I never met him. :(

RIP Mike, hope you're jamming with some good friends up there. :kickass:
It was. He had an infectious laugh... he was so funny. He got me to roll him a cigarette and told me he was the only black guy in the world who couldn't roll. Remembered the name of my band too when we met him for the third time in three days in three different cities. I'm sad now just thinking about him :(

BTW who the Hell is Aaron McCabe?
It was. He had an infectious laugh... he was so funny. He got me to roll him a cigarette and told me he was the only black guy in the world who couldn't roll. Remembered the name of my band too when we met him for the third time in three days in three different cities. I'm sad now just thinking about him :(

BTW who the Hell is Aaron McCabe?

Just a random guy who's friend met Mike & asked him to say that.

His laugh is incredible, I miss seeing him smile & just watching everyone around him start to smile as well.
I think the last time I saw Mike was one of the best days of my life, and easily the best show I've ever been to or seen Evile play. Had the funniest encounter with Mike ever that day, which was a long running gag between us until he passed away.

The man was infectious with his laughter, ruthless with his humour and downright fucking untouchable with his stage presence. Biggest heart of any person that ever lived.
I want to write a song about Mike as a dedication to him entitled "Mike Alexander Fights A Bear (Then Has A Beer And Forgets All About It)". I can just imagine Mikes face if he heard such a song.
My heart goes out to Mike's family (band included) today. Wherever Mike is I'm sure he's proud of what the guys have done in the past year.
It's great to see all the love from the fans, he really was a great guy. R.I.P. It's an Evile marathon today, who's with me?