
Feb 20, 2005
Look at this freakin' deal:|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

Dammit dammit dammit...
Im still pissed I didnt have the $400 needed to buy this Tama Starclassic Maple at Guitar Center... it was used, but it wasnt abused.... those things retail for about $2500 brand new... unfuckinreal.
u gotta love being a musician in these times were in, economy is in the crapper, people need money and we want your discounted gear, idk about most of u guys but i could care less about food and rent i just need a deal on an engl, hahaha.
Haha, no, there's no realistic way I would buy this even if I had the money, I've got too many other things to pay for/off - but that deal, good god!! (Metally, it's like $1600 new dude, and Engls are so rare to find secondhand in the states o_O )

And for the record, I got my HD147 for $480 shipped, so it's not like I paid an arm and a leg for it ;)
i was told with a lot of anger by my friends to stop looking on ebay and craigslist, they said if i find another amazing deal and they dont have the money they would kill me.

lol, but ya know, if only i could buy a woman that cheap and give me the same amount of pleasure each time i use it, i would sure buy it, but i will have to settle with studio gear until then.