aaah... why .. why cant i reach some sort of platform of tone...


Apr 30, 2008
Clip and Scratch tracks added:
Trax: - Scratch Tracks.rar
Tempo: 150
Each guitar track has 3 varieties:
POD: a good preset found on and tweaked, based on a uberschall with a TS and a Treadplate 4x12
DI: dry track passed through the pod's usb (using the pod as an interface)
PreDI: I realise that the DI signal seems alittle dull so i tried to bring up the volume and a little eq using the vocal preamps of the podx3live
The bass tracks are simply DI recorded - you'll have to pitch shift them and use effects
Post processing in the track - simply a high and low pass on guitars at 12,000Hz and 200Hz, a low pass at 160Hz on bass and a 3db bump at about 1500Hz & for drums, some compression, a tad bit
eq and a 3db high shelf from 5000Hz for some sheen (i think) on the drum mixdown

Hope you guys can do something awesome with this stuff so that i have some hope..

hey guys
now i'm really getting desperate (read depressed) about the tones i am getting
i have a fairly crappy axe and a podx3live. now i donot know what the problem is but the tones that i am recording are abit(lot) less than inspiring...
will post clips soon but i dunno what to do..
guitar - pod - computer through usb

i tried soloC, NC7170, NC8505, Rev3demo but just have not gotten where i want (which is at least decent)

my di's sound worse that the ones i've heard here.. they're all done on the pods

now im outa cash aswell so if i had to look at a redraw of my setup id need what, a DI and an interface? what would work nicely for the lowest amount possible (for now)

is there anyway to salvage the pod's use as a di?

i remember i saw a thread in the rate section where someone used simply an esp ec50 (agathis body) with stock pups into amp sims and had an awesome sound.. different than what i would go for but awesome none the less.. i'm sure my guitar - a douglas (from rondo, same guys who make agiles) with an alder body and a emg81 in bridge can sound at least as good as that..

i just want some hope... can all that i have really be that bad when ppl with similar gear can get great tones, and mixes (an entire diff topic)

hope someone can show me the light
emg's really dont react off of any types of wood, since there completly vacumed sealed and have there own preamp. they sound almost the same in every guitar IMO. But what i would do if i need a good sound for a lil bit of cash is get like an m-audio or even the yamaha audiogram interface and get revalver lite (the not full version) and work with that. iv gotten ultra sick tones out of revalver, but also im not a huge fan of line6 they make some good tones but there not for me.
ParsonsMatt says the truth. But I played an ESP M-1 NTB which is neck-thru with alder wings (bright!) and the EMG 81 pickup sounded amazing through it.
Maybe it's the Line 6 interface? I can't achieve a good tone (with crap pickups though) recording through mine and my technique isn't the best but isn't that bad either!
That's all good man, there's so much things to learn and also so much myths about audio/musical equipment like this one.

And if there's one that still has a LOT left to learn that's me!
That's all good man, there's so much things to learn and also so much myths about audio/musical equipment like this one.

And if there's one that still has a LOT left to learn that's me!

Yeah i hear that bro. i remember a emg rep and my old guitar tech at my store said that there like that to. but it is all good, i just love me some gear
try an amp...tried out a 6505+ through a peavy cab recently ... sounded very amazing but...... unfortunately, at this time of life i don't have the luxury of the oppurtunity to even consider anything worth considering in the real amp realm :p

i'll post a clip with DI's in abit..
I would actually very happy with that tone in your sample.

I get always the same crappy tones with any ampsim i tried. :(