ABIGAIL WILLIAMS - new band w/ Vehemence members

The vocals are a kind of odd mix between Metalcore/Hardcore rasp and Black Metal shrieks, at first I didn't like it much but it is certainly different and makes the band unique. The synths also came out of no where and surprised me, I like how there used sparingly and for maximum effect. Also there are some very nice riffs in there too. The only thing that I would consider questionable is the clean vox, otherwise solid, inventive stuff.
The bands official site seems very uh...minimal but from it I gathered a new recording is in the works? Is it a full-length, EP or another demo?
yea a full length, well thats the plan anyways. Our site will be looking pretty plain for another month because the guy thats doing it cant start it til then. you know how those things go.
Pretty interesting stuff! I only heard it through the cheesy laptop speakers, but will go back and listen through headphones when I get the chance. But so far I like what I hear, the synths sounded pretty bad ass, a little bit like some of Emperor's later stuff. Always a good thing in my mind.
That you Ken? Thanks for joining the Vehemence messageboard. How long has this band around anyways?

yea man its me. not very long at all dude. back when you first messaged us on myspace that was like our first 2 weeks or something like that. so what was that then? maybe 3 months?
What are the non metal ones? Thanks for the mp3 player myspace code earlier today.

yea no problem. i played in a band called awesome wich just broke up wich was like indie rock post hardcore stuff www.myspace.com/awesome, oh and i forgot about n17 i played with them for a while and also a band called nihil wich was on the same label (slipdisc/mercury). forgot about that. and a couple of industrial rock bands back in the day one called victims in ecstacy and one called virii, hah man that was way back. hmm that might be all of em. though abigail williams is obviously the best of the bunch as well as the first one that has been my decision on the musical direction so yea im excited about it.
That’s quite the variety of styles. Yes I know all of the bands you mentioned, from the flyers ive seen and just from being a part of the AZ scene for so long.

yea man i just like to play, man this makes me feel old looking at that list though.
Yeah being a part of something, but not to its fullest potential is quite the burden when you look back on it, but I have no regrets.

this has nothing to do with this thread hah. but do you know where the best place to get a road case for my head and cab?