Abigail Williams Video premier on MTV

Sick! Is that distortion on the vox, or is it the player convertion?

Would have been polite to include a sword or two in the video.
Sound is great, video is lame.
Ken (Sorceron) isn't very fond of the video itself either... but i think it gets the job done and it wasn't very high budget after all. i'd really hope the focus here can be that one of our forum guys is doing well and growing his band rather than focusing on the shortcomings in the production values of this vid which is just a tool at this point, to help market the band a bit easier. there'll be plenty of time for more artistically satisfying and aesthetically appealing vids as things get better for the band... and anyway is having one's first vid kinda suck all that abnormal?... lol. Cheers to the band i say, and i'm sure subsequent videos will only improve as time goes on.
Ken (Sorceron) isn't very fond of the video itself either... but i think it gets the job done and it wasn't very high budget after all. i'd really hope the focus here can be that one of our forum guys is doing well and growing his band rather than focusing on the shortcomings in the production values of this vid which is just a tool at this point, to help market the band a bit easier. there'll be plenty of time for more artistically satisfying and aesthetically appealing vids as things get better for the band... and anyway is having one's first vid kinda suck all that abnormal?... lol. Cheers to the band i say, and i'm sure subsequent videos will only improve as time goes on.

I'm not a very big fan of metalvideos anyway and of course probs to them for getting that far. that doesn't change my opinion. and I don't think you need very high budget to make a good music video. it looks cheap IMHO and that's probably not Abigails fault.

love their sound, love their songs, don't like the vid. Don't slay me. :kickass:
Awesome song, awesome mix, agree with others about the video, but isn't having a low budget video more kvlt after all? :lol:

Congratulations to Ken, the band, and of course you James! :kickass:
*sigh*... i actually agreed with you... and since i mixed it you actually complimented me as well.

everything's fine, I got something wrong. Thought you think I just wanna be offensive which wasn't my goal. To me your post sounded like: Stop disrespecting them. That's why I answered like I did because I really do respect them and love their music and just wanted to tell the world that I think the video is cheesy.

Sorry for missunderstanding.
everything's fine, I got something wrong. Thought you think I just wanna be offensive which wasn't my goal. To me your post sounded like: Stop disrespecting them. That's why I answered like I did because I really do respect them and love their music and just wanted to tell the world that I think the video is cheesy.

Sorry for missunderstanding.
no problem, and thanks for the props on the mix... but yeah, incorrect impression.

we all agree, including Ken and the rest of the band that the video's production values leave much to be desired... and the band themselves were not present for the actors being shot or the vid being edited, and were not given approval prior to it's release.

the point here really for me is that it's great that they are moving forward and doing better and better.... already people that have seen the vid are leaving comments that they are now going to go out and buy the CD... so it's doing it's job all the same... and the next vid, i'm sure, will be better.
Considering stuff was added without them knowing and Candlelight sent it off to MTV without showing the band first... It's not TOO bad.

But yeah, Ken absolutely LOATHES the video.

*edit* damn does Ellylon look hot in this!

Jesus that edit in the song at the very end is terrible.
I get pissed of by this song.
Perfect intro, that sets you in this really "evil" mood, and then the blastbeats start. :erk:

Still pretty cool song though, but I don't think that the song and the intro fit together that well.
I'm happy enough that they chose my favorite song off the album for the vid :headbang:. Love that epic onslaught of awesomeness at around 2:50. Abigail Williams gets props for resurrecting my appreciation of Black Metal, which had sort of drifted off in the past few years. I remember checking them out a while back and they sounded totally different, more deathcore-ish with ridiculous tempo changes and whatnot. Funny how that transformed into this masterpiece of an album. Kudos to James for the mix, and I thought the video was fitting. Nothing flashy but it gets the job done.
Yeah, I really don't see anything wrong with the video, that's a cool spot they were playing in (better than the fucking beaten to death warehouse), and the "story" was vague enough that it didn't bother me how vague it was :lol: And those were some GORGEOUS guitars (Ibanez nut here, guilty as charged :D)