Abigail Williams Video premier on MTV

ken: this was done under the london bridge...as in Lake Havasu, Arizona? must have looked strange to tourists in hawaiin shirts and brown socks with sandals to bear witness to the event.

or was it really in london? that seems a bit more metal to me. the searing heat and blinding light of the desert never seemed very metal when I lived there.

mad props either way. you're actually doing something with your music, which is more than myself or many others can say.

Definitely London, England...
Hey, just like to say I love the mix and the song, and the video was nice too! Not the most flashy or high-budget looking but who cares?

Vocals without microphones tend to look a bit awkward and I feel for them but it wasn't that bad.

About MTV playing it in mono, that's a damn shame man, you should have a word with those cunts.