Abominable Putridity....thoughts on new album

Balls McHoolihan

You mean coitus?
Jan 22, 2012
For those of you who have the new Abominable Putridity album, what are your thoughts on it? How does it stand up to their debut album?

I personally like it. It's got a different sound from their first album, but that's obvious since they've now got Matti Way on vocals. I think I like their first album better tho...that one kind of grew on me. That's what I knew Abominable Putridity to sound like for a while now. Their new one is still fuckin sick though. What do you all think?
First you posted it in the wrong section of the forum, and now you've got two identical threads here.

Epic fail.
I wanted it in this section, but I originally posted it in the Social Forum. When I realized I posted it there, I re-posted it in the correct section (General Discussion). As you can see in this post, I just asked a moderator to delete it, but it was moved here hence the double post.
The samples were nasty. I'm waiting for it to show up on MOG so I can give it a nice high-quality listen.
All I can say it is a massive improvement, although the constant garbled growling vocals can get a little tiring after a while.
Well... they're a slam/BDM band. That's the style. And frankly theirs are FAR more tolerable than you'll find in some of the gore/pornogrind bands that are more of a gurgle than a growl.
I thought it was an ok album. They seem to be a little faster on this album, which is fine, but I think Matti Way's vocals are a far cry from what they used to be.
I'm pretty happy with it. It's a completely different style from their first album (which I loved), but that's fine -- this style is good too. Pretty much every instrument is way more technical than In The End of Human Existence. The most impressive thing on this album though is without question the drumming. Holy fucking shit, it has to be some of the tightest, most technical drumming I've ever heard anywhere. The album's chock-full of fantastic slams, but I think most people expected that.