Abominatrix--female Fronted Metal Band

Chopstick up the Peehole said:
I mainly listen to grind/grindcore/goregrind/porngrind/whatever-you-wanna-call-it grind, which is not about being the most brutal, or most technical band around. (To me) It's about quality songwriting. Good grind bands write songs that are catchy, memorable and composed well enough to make interesting songs within the confines of a fairly limited genre.
How they hell can something that is 34 seconds long, where you scream as fast as you can possibly spew out be catchy? And I agree that you are right about one thing, most grind bands don't worry about being the most "brutal" or "technical" band, but they actually push the "...man, were all some crazy motherfuckers because we play really really fast" in the exact same way that death bands push the "brutal-tech" vibe. Each genre try's to push their "selling points".

Don't mess lads, she's got a gun.
Personaly I fail to see the hook in grindcore. Thats just me though. The way I've seen it in my local scene, if a band cant play well, they play grind. Sounds pretty similar to most of the other grind bands I've heard of from the international scenes, so its something I plan to stay away from... but then again, thats what I said about black metal a year ago, and now I love the stuff.
chris-o-fer said:
How they hell can something that is 34 seconds long, where you scream as fast as you can possibly spew out be catchy? And I agree that you are right about one thing, most grind bands don't worry about being the most "brutal" or "technical" band, but they actually push the "...man, were all some crazy motherfuckers because we play really really fast" in the exact same way that death bands push the "brutal-tech" vibe. Each genre try's to push their "selling points".
How about this: You go and actually listen to more than, say, the 4-5 grind bands you've heard so far, then we can talk about it. :Smug:

ShroudOfDusk: Ditto.
Also, saying "if a band cant play well, they play grind" is really quite retarded. It's like you're saying they started off wanting to play death/black metal, but it didn't work out so they just decide "Oh well, let's just play grind" when, not only is grind very unpopular, they probably wouldn't even like it. I don't know what your scene is like, but in Melbourne we have about 6 or 7 "big" grind bands, all playing their own unique styles of grind/goregrind. Their members are dedicated to their music. There are live shows at least once a month. A lot of the people in these bands have been in grind, hardcore and death metal bands for years and years. They didn't just pick up an instrument last week. Added to that, some members of those bands play in metal and/or hardcore bands. For example the guys from Fuck...I'm Dead all play in a Swedeath/thrash band and the drummer from The Day Everything Became Nothing plays in a well-respected indie rock band. So to say that playing grind is just a cop-out because of lack of talent is quite ignorant.


SculptedCold: You've gotta understand that there's a difference between being shit, simply because you are shit, compared to being shit on purpose cause it sounds good.
A great example is Purulent Spermcanal - I don't know what kind of musicians they are, but they're really good at sounding bad. Their material is generally slow/mid-paced, very muddy and sloppy - which is what makes them such a great porngrind band. It's like the musical equivalent of an oozing, diseased stinkhole dripping thrush cheese on your face.

Ok, I've written way too much........you all suck.
Chopstick up the Peehole said:
How about this: You go and actually listen to more than, say, the 4-5 grind bands you've heard so far, then we can talk about it. :Smug:
Over the years I've heard tons of grind bands, but quite honestly, it might as well have been all the same record, because of the blatent and constant monotony that all grind has. (With the exception of maybe say, Anal cunt).
Chopstick up the Peehole said:
How about this: You go and actually listen to more than, say, the 4-5 grind bands you've heard so far, then we can talk about it. :Smug:

ShroudOfDusk: Ditto.
Also, saying "if a band cant play well, they play grind" is really quite retarded. It's like you're saying they started off wanting to play death/black metal, but it didn't work out so they just decide "Oh well, let's just play grind" when, not only is grind very unpopular, they probably wouldn't even like it. I don't know what your scene is like, but in Melbourne we have about 6 or 7 "big" grind bands, all playing their own unique styles of grind/goregrind. Their members are dedicated to their music. There are live shows at least once a month. A lot of the people in these bands have been in grind, hardcore and death metal bands for years and years. They didn't just pick up an instrument last week. Added to that, some members of those bands play in metal and/or hardcore bands. For example the guys from Fuck...I'm Dead all play in a Swedeath/thrash band and the drummer from The Day Everything Became Nothing plays in a well-respected indie rock band. So to say that playing grind is just a cop-out because of lack of talent is quite ignorant.


SculptedCold: You've gotta understand that there's a difference between being shit, simply because you are shit, compared to being shit on purpose cause it sounds good.
A great example is Purulent Spermcanal - I don't know what kind of musicians they are, but they're really good at sounding bad. Their material is generally slow/mid-paced, very muddy and sloppy - which is what makes them such a great porngrind band. It's like the musical equivalent of an oozing, diseased stinkhole dripping thrush cheese on your face.

Ok, I've written way too much........you all suck.
Ok dude, I totally get your message. =) I like really slow sludgy chug stuff that sounds like it's falling over itself to get somewhere, almost to the point that they deliberately start playing (guitars and drums) out of time with eachother. I fucking love that, is that kinda what Purulent Spermcanal do?? That's why I love Sikfuk, the deathgrind band, the take a turgid chugging rhythm/riff and slowly make it sound like it's falling over itself....it's hard to explain and I don't really know how they do it, but it sounds fucking amazing.

Reccommend me a moderate number of varied/good grind bands that I probably haven't heard of. I do like grind on occassion, I never said I thought it outright sucked, but y'know, everyone has prejudices towards certain scenes. I like Birdflesh a lot, what do you think of them? They're really catchy and intense. Anyway, yeah, I agree with chris that most bands in any genre of music are trying to 'push a selling point' or whatever, because otherwise they probably shouldn't be in any scene at all, so I think it remains hypocritical to dislike death/deathgrind on the basis that all the bands are just trying to brutal, and asides from not enjoying the brutality, just not liking how all the bands want to push something, because all scenes do it. But that's cool, you already said you don't like how it sounds, fair nuff.

Hell, the lines between death and grind get blurred so much by so many bands nowadays anyway. Sikfuk being a wonderful example again. (I think)
chris-o-fer said:
I mean, like Frome Eros to Thantos (#4), and Isabeea's nightmare (#8).
I guess techno would be the wrong description. More synthetic noise stuff really.
Oh right yeah. There's less on Human Harvest. Still tiny bits here and there but really, it's hardly enough to put anyone off of the music that's there, even if you hate electronic/noise experimentation....which you evidently don't Chris, because you cum all over Dripping. =)
*slips on cum*
Yeah man, Dripping blew me away when I heard those mp3's. I actually picked it up today it I like it alot better than The Genocide machine. It seems a lot more slam happy. I read the insert in the booklet where it explains how the other members parted ways and now there's only three remaining and worried if it would sound as full, but I think it actuall improved their sound.
chris-o-fer said:
How they hell can something that is 34 seconds long, where you scream as fast as you can possibly spew out be catchy? And I agree that you are right about one thing, most grind bands don't worry about being the most "brutal" or "technical" band, but they actually push the "...man, were all some crazy motherfuckers because we play really really fast" in the exact same way that death bands push the "brutal-tech" vibe. Each genre try's to push their "selling points".

is there a rule grindcore songs have to be less then a minute long?
HardSide said:
is there a rule grindcore songs have to be less then a minute long?
If you had to work out the average it'd probably be about 1:00 as it can vary between 10 seconds, up to 2 - 3 minutes (which would be a long song).
For example: I'm currently listening to pure grindcore band Excruciating Terror. The first 10 songs are this long: 1:42, 1:10, 0:34, 2:04, 2:07, 0:38, 1:38, 1:02, 1:26, 1:37
There's no "rule" or anything, just depends on the band.

SculptedCold said:
I like really slow sludgy chug stuff that sounds like it's falling over itself to get somewhere, almost to the point that they deliberately start playing (guitars and drums) out of time with eachother. I fucking love that, is that kinda what Purulent Spermcanal do?? That's why I love Sikfuk, the deathgrind band, the take a turgid chugging rhythm/riff and slowly make it sound like it's falling over itself....it's hard to explain and I don't really know how they do it, but it sounds fucking amazing.

Reccommend me a moderate number of varied/good grind bands that I probably haven't heard of. I do like grind on occassion, I never said I thought it outright sucked, but y'know, everyone has prejudices towards certain scenes. I like Birdflesh a lot, what do you think of them? They're really catchy and intense. Anyway, yeah, I agree with chris that most bands in any genre of music are trying to 'push a selling point' or whatever
I've got that Sikfuk CD, I haven't listened to it for ages so I can't really remember what it's like.....but definitely check out Purulent Spermcanal's "Legalize For Cannibalism" album, it excellent.

Yep, Birdflesh fucking kick arse. They're a great example of how you can take simple, straight-forward grind, add all these other crazy elements and come out with something really cool.
I also agree that most bands in any genre of music are trying to 'push a selling point'......I just wouldn't say that grind is trying to push this one:
"...man, were all some crazy motherfuckers because we play really really fast"
Because that's just gay.

Alright, now time for the name-dropping......you might have heard/heard of some of these before, if so, let us know what u reckon......

Napalm Death - Scum (where it all began)
Excruciating Terror - Divided We Fall (intense pure grindcore)
Fuck...I'm Dead - anything (drum machine "gore grind thrash attack")
Cerebral Turbulency - Germ of Error (varied grind with original elements like keyboards/noise, cowbells and record scratching)
Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ (wierd Japanese rock 'n' roll goregrind)
Lymphatic Phlegm - anything (cold, dark pathological goregrind)
Gut - anything (Godfathers of Porn Grind, sloppy, sleazy sound, like the soundtrack to a dirty german porn movie)
Gronibard - anything (whacky French porngrind with awesome chunky riffs and vocals that are pitch-shifted both up and down. Really funny stuff)
Pigsty - anything (flat-out death/grind)
Pig Destroyer - the grind band everyone's heard of, that isn't actually a grind band. Still good though.
The Kill - The Soundtrack to Your Violence (extremely intense grindcore)
Rompeprop - anything (rocking porngrind with hilarious, yet awesome vocals)
Negligent Collateral Collapse - anything (rocket-science grind! Really pummeling, heavy sound with odd vocals and lyrics about physics and stuff)
Green Beret - anything (bizarre acid-inspired grind)
Catasexual Urge Motivation - anything (dark Japanese drum machine goregrind)
Neuro-Visceral Exhumation - Mass Murder Festival (raw and primitive goregrind with what I consider the perfect goregrind guitar tone)

That'll do for now.....I'm writing too much again.
None_So_Vile said:
Short, fast and to the point.
The way it should be........maybe I have a short attention span?

Have you heard the 99-song AgNb CD? It's not really 99 songs, as quite a few of the 3-4 second tracks blend into eachother......I can't believe they came with such long song titles. It's a good CD though, IMO.

There's some gimmicky compilation 7-inch on the way from some label that's going to have 80 bands playing songs no longer than 10 seconds. :hypno: It'd probably be pretty funny........the first time..........
Chopstick up the Peehole said:
The way it should be........maybe I have a short attention span?

Have you heard the 99-song AgNb CD? It's not really 99 songs, as quite a few of the 3-4 second tracks blend into eachother......I can't believe they came with such long song titles. It's a good CD though, IMO.

There's some gimmicky compilation 7-inch on the way from some label that's going to have 80 bands playing songs no longer than 10 seconds. :hypno: It'd probably be pretty funny........the first time..........
One has to admit the above is some evidence of pushing a genre trait/gimmick/stereotype a little too far into ridicule. =)
oh yeah, forgot to thank you for the reccommendations, heh. =) What I know from what you listed;

Napalm Death - Scum. never liked it. really boring to me. =/

Pig Destroyer!! I agree there's no way they can simply be called grind, but they've still got a lot of grind in their sound, and they do kick ass regardless of what they play.

Well, actually, that's it! Hehe, i've heard of all the bands you listed, just not heard any of the music. I've always wanted to check out Rompeprop though, that's such a funky name. :tickled:
No worries mate.

I'm not that huge on 'Scum' myself, I just listed it cause it's "the beginning"......the best Napalm Death IMO is the "Live Corruption" CD - check it out if you can.

Rompeprop are great!! You'd probably prefer the "Hellcock's Pornflakes" CD over the "Menstrual Stomphulk" one - check it out.