ABORYM - Album Of The Month on TERRORIZER!

Jee, it sure would be nice to be able to read Terrorizer Magazine. Their US distribution fucking sucks.
With No Human Intervention will be released in the US through WEA(WARNER/atlantic/Arista)!

we managed to ink a good License deal for America.

I really don't know WHEN it will be out, but i guess in a month or two.
Can we have a copy of those reviews? Terrorizer has a real shitty distribution here.

Need to see the Aborym and the Negura reviews ... good or bad!
With No Human Intervention will be released in the US through WEA(WARNER/atlantic/Arista)!

I really don't know WHEN it will be out, but i guess in a month or two.

This is the problem with these early reviews, by the time the cd is released in America everyone forgets about it.

When will the Negura CD will be officially out in the US?
Negura in the US will be only available as IMPORT, because we are still looking for a good license.

regarding the reviews: Michele is posting all those reviews in the forum.
Lee: why you don't send promos to TERRORIZER ? i think it's the most important metal mags in UK... they always gave good reviews to code666, "Phormula" and Planeshift took a good rate if I recall correctly
The highest score for an Elitist release is for Ephel which was 6.5/10. Terrorizer aren't nearly as important as they think they are. They're too busy crawling up the arse of the latest Eyehategod or Neurosis clone or giving 10/10 demo reviews to their friends bands.

I'd rather have great reviews in a more mainstream mag like Kerrang that sells 80,000 each week than Terrorizer that sells 10,000...
just a quick note: I received today the new issue of Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles (BW&BK), there's a full page inti with Aborym and reviews by Chris Bruni for Aborym (9.5 out of 10) and Negura Bunget (8.5 out of 10).
Originally posted by Lee_B
Terrorizer aren't nearly as important as they think they are. They're too busy crawling up the arse of the latest Eyehategod or Neurosis clone or giving 10/10 demo reviews to their friends bands.

Isn't this the damned truth. I've yet to see a noisecore band get a bad review from Terrorizer. It seems almost every month a noisecore band gets Album of the Month. Occasionaly, they'll give that honor to a black or death metal band (Nile, Aborym, Immortal), but more times than not, it's a hardcore/noisecore band (Neurosis, Isis, Old Man Gloom, The Great Deceiver, Mastodon).

Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of that genre, but I agree with you (Lee) that they have their lips firmly planted on the asses of those bands.

Oh, and the last two Albums of the Year were:

2002- Isis: 'Oceanic'
2001- Converge: 'Jane Doe'