About Brown Light Upon Us


Maybe on Luna
Mar 30, 2002
From website

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2]The idea behind this one was to just have a band play in one room, and place the microphone in another room behind walls and closed doors. I wrote the song with those things in mind, trying to use sounds, rhythms, harmonies, etc. that would result in a song that sounded right only when listened to from one room over - in other words, if you heard it in the room it was being played in, it wouldn't sound as good.

Is there a mix of the song you wouldn't mind sharing that's based on recordings in the same room as the instruments, because I'd be interested to set it to play in my room and then go over to the next room for the authentic effect.

I also tried this with the song as it is, and the second degree of concrete wash makes most things but the thumping of the kick drum and some other bass drone inaudiable.