about headway 2005

Sorry to reply back very late. Thanks for your kind words, Mike.

Prymary-vocals said:
Tetsu Wrote:
It was nice to meeting you, too. I hope you had a great time in Holland as well. By the tone of this thread , and some of the suggested bands, the 2005 Headway Festival is going to have another killer line-up. Thank you for your kind words about PRYMARY. I will tell everyone you said 'hello'. Please stop by our web site and sign our guestbook if you have the chance.

Kore kara yoroshike onegaishimasu. Rainen no Headway Festival de issho ni atte tanoshimasu. Itsudemo e-mail shite kudasai. Arigato gozaimashita. Jya, mata.

Kochirakoso Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu. It was awesome meeting you. I believe new album of Praymary would be another winner for fans of melodic prog metal/rock. Yes, I'll e-mail you later. I keep talking about Prymary on my website, too.

hey guys, the newest song from Last Crack, "Greta Grinder," is now available for free download at www.LastCrack.com along with the first release "Siren Song" and a live version of Sinister Funkhouse #17's "Blood Brothers of the Black Bear."
Hi guys,

For the record: I am no longer a part of the Headway organisation.

I never intended it to become an annual fest when I set up the first edition with P60 in 2003. At that time, I had a list of bands that I really wanted to see playing in Holland (bands that never played here before). I managed to basically book all the bands I had in mind and set up a killer bill with P60.
It's great that it did become an annual fest, but after 2003's edition, I gradually started to feel like I didn't really have anything to add to the organisation anymore.
Since having left my former band Sun Caged in December of last year, I'm not particularly active in the progrock/progmetal genre anymore, which gave me an ever greater feeling of losing touch with the fest.

I will definately be following Onno and Freek's activities, however, and will try to visit the fest to hang with my friends.

Thanks for everything guys!


A late reply from us. We still have to get ourselves together after this great second edition, but we're working on it.

I would like to thank Dennis for all his efforts for the Headway fest. He did a killer job! And I'm sure we will see him every year, 'cause we will continue the festival as we started it: original and unique progressive bands that have seldom or never played in the Netherlands before.

And for all those fans and visitors out there, keep those tips and wishes coming. We will have a serious look at every one of them, and we are definitely interested in discovering new progressive music from all over the world. We can't say anything yet about the next edition, but as far as I'm concerned it will be a bit more varied, a bit more progrock and maybe even progpop oriented, compared to this blasting progmetal edition. You'll just have to wait and see :goggly:
Here are some of the bands I would consider travelling over for
Behold… The Arctopus
Canvas Solaris
Gordian Knot
7 for 4
Zero Hour (new album should be out in time for show; they really kicked arse in 2003)
AtlanticDreamer said:
I would love to see Freak Kitchen again, and sice they will have a new album out this year...

Freak Kitchen and Bumblefoot will do a double package mini-tour under the name of "Heroes of Headway" in March, starting at P60 on the 10th, then moving to Switzerland, France and Belgium. So if you're looking for a nice festival warm-up...

Headway Festival Team