about NS-10


I'm not a number!
Apr 23, 2005
Sometime I read andy just loves his NS-10.

How do you (meaning everybody and A.) can mix the lows with these (meaning getting the right amount of it), 'cause you can't hear low ends with them. Everytime I mix with them I have to go to my car so I can here how much low end I ended up to put.

After 5 or 10 trips to the car, I end up mixing the whole thing all over again 'cause now everything is messed up 'cause now some of the tracks are hidden behind the bass. Do you use headphones or what? When I start to use headphones, there's no going back after that, everythin is totally fucked up. :dopey:

how about genelec 1030... how would you describe this speaker "to your ear". U Fancy? I've found that with ns-10 you can hear the highs better 'cause with 1030 the highs sound always so soft.
Most guys I know who use NS-10s also A/B them with a pair of studio reference monitors. I don't know what else you'd do, but I'm sure Andy probably has some psychic ability to know when the lows are in the right spot on the NS-10s.
I have the same problem with the bass on the ns-10's. I use them more to "soften" the music so its not so harsh. cant say I do that well, any how, I also a/b them with my Event's and that gets me in the ball park of how much bass too add. They take getting use too..
A/B'ing to the mains (if you have that luxury) is the usual way. If you use NS-10's a lot, you can judge the bass if you turn up the monitors and watch the woofers move. Make sure that they are equipped with fuses before you use this method, though! I know a few cats that use home theater subs in between NS-10's very effectively. I noticed the Genelec's in Andy's studio. I personally don't care for them, preferring the 824's. Some guys love 'em. I'd suggest staying away from headphones for mixing.
Kazrog said:
I don't know what else you'd do, but I'm sure Andy probably has some psychic ability to know when the lows are in the right spot on the NS-10s.

Chances are, he has a better room and can actually hear the lows on the NS10s. The room makes a HUGE difference.

Daunt said:
I have read that Chris Lord-Alge uses a $300 Infinity subwoofer with his NS-10s. Of course he has other monitors too but this is his rig no. 1.

I've heard of other people using subs with NS-10s. It's becoming the norm. I totally spaced out and forgot that somehow. :loco:
Other than for 5.1 work, I'm not a fan of using subwoofers. I pretty much do exactly what Metalkingdom said, first getting my mix on the NS10's and Auratones, then switching to the mains, then cranking up the NS10's to judge the low end again. Also, I have a boombox wired into my patchbay so I can hear my mixes that way as well.