About the CenterStage venue...


Apr 30, 2003
Marietta, GA
Visit site
Hey all. I haven't been there in a while, and I was wondering how it fairs when it comes to trying to meet bands afterwards (outside of ProgPower that is). I know it depends on the act, but if there are any success or failure stories, I'd like to hear them. Thanks!
For the most part, bands that play the fest will randomly wander around the venue. Most of them do scheduled signings in the venue, too. Bands are pretty accessible at ProgPower. You may even run into an artist or two at one of the local hotels, or run into an artist or band at one of the nearby restaraunts. I got a picture with all of Elvenking when they just happened to be waiting for a table at the same restraunt my friends and I were waiting at, too. :)

You just have to keep your eyes open.
Hey all. I haven't been there in a while, and I was wondering how it fairs when it comes to trying to meet bands afterwards (outside of ProgPower that is). I know it depends on the act, but if there are any success or failure stories, I'd like to hear them. Thanks!

I take it you're referring to shows at Center Stage other than ProgPower, right?

At the last non-PP show I saw there, which was Opeth, the band eventually came out and signed autographs in front of the venue, where they had moved their tour bus.
Usually I think bands would come out from the loading dock (on the left side, looking from outside and facing the front doors), since that's the easiest access from backstage to the street in front.

With Opeth, the situation was complicated because the band playing upstairs in The Loft, a band from Australia called Pendulum, also had a tour bus, so things got a little 'warm' in front of the venue (since load-out was also taking place).

Weird moment of the night: a band member from Pendulum asking us if we'd seen Opeth and after we said "Yes," told us "I'd have gone to see them over us, too! Easily! They're one of my favorite bands and 'Face Of Melinda' is my favorite song of all time!"

--And Pendulum is a drum'n'bass band. (!)
Yup. I ran into a couple of guys from Circle II Circle (Marriott) while wearing my CIIC t-shirt. Made for interesting conversation :lol:

For the most part, bands that play the fest will randomly wander around the venue. Most of them do scheduled signings in the venue, too. Bands are pretty accessible at ProgPower. You may even run into an artist or two at one of the local hotels, or run into an artist or band at one of the nearby restaraunts. I got a picture with all of Elvenking when they just happened to be waiting for a table at the same restraunt my friends and I were waiting at, too. :)

You just have to keep your eyes open.
Yes. I would tell you what act I'm seeing, but I fear it would ruin my "metal cred" and the rest of this thread would be full of jokes :loco:

Not toooo likely; I saw a completely non-metal band in Atlanta this past Friday night...and had a great time.* :)

I'm thinking you're seeing Drivin'n'Cryin', Sevendust, Marshall Tucker Band, Scott Weiland, or....wait for it.....the Holy Hip Hop Awards. :lol:

* The Cruxshadows...who actually outdrew Theron in Germany...twice. (!)
Not toooo likely; I saw a completely non-metal band in Atlanta this past Friday night...and had a great time.* :)

I'm thinking you're seeing Drivin'n'Cryin', Sevendust, Marshall Tucker Band, Scott Weiland, or....wait for it.....the Holy Hip Hop Awards. :lol:

I dunno... I noticed Katy Perry is on that schedule at Center Stage :lol:

(has no business making fun of anyone after seeing Spice Girls earlier this year)
Uh oh, looks like someone figured me out. Guess it takes someone with similar tastes, Spice Girls fan! :p

It's just that I've almost come to expect to meet bands after the performance, and with metal acts, it's pretty easy to do. Just not sure how that will go over with more mainstream acts.
Uh oh, looks like someone figured me out. Guess it takes someone with similar tastes, Spice Girls fan! :p

It's just that I've almost come to expect to meet bands after the performance, and with metal acts, it's pretty easy to do. Just not sure how that will go over with more mainstream acts.

Well, as in many things, a lot depends on whether the artist or band themselves want to meet their fans -- most do, some do not (Andrew Eldritch, anyone?)
Beyond that, it can sometimes be a matter of popularity...or more accurately, security. A really popular band (say, Metallica) or a band with really devout, rabid fans (Tokio Hotel comes to mind) simply might not be able to attempt a meet'n'greet for safety and security reasons.
Despite that, even Metallica used to make an effort to meet fans outside the venues, up until 1994 or so.
Later, that practice declined.
So did Metallica. :lol:

Unless the artist you're seeing is wildly popular or totally fan-UNfriendly, your odds at Center Stage are pretty good. :kickass:
That is one great thing about ProgPower is that the bands are usually VERY friendly. Steve and I kept running into band at Center Stage, walking in midtown Atlanta and at the hotel. I remember seeing bands hanging outside Center Stage and people (including myself) would shoot the breeze with them. That's a benefit of this sort of venue - for the most part low key and just there to have a good time with some great music.

Can't say for outside ProgPower but like Paul said, if they're not wildly popular or just a-holes, your chance of running into them might be pretty good.