About the gig in Mexico


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
Well my fellow mexicans I was informed today that the promoter ran off with the money and we are screwed,at least that happened here in Mexico city,I don't know about Mty
So it seems DT is free of everything and I hope they don't think all promoters are like this,this guy was just fucked up.
Well now post your comments and feelings about it
yep, it's not unlikely. there was a really cool European festival a few years ago - Wave Gottik Treffen -- or something like that. the same sort of thing happened for that event but apparently the dude ran off with the $$$$$ AFTER the event had taken place.

pffffft :rolleyes:
Originally posted by manuelgv
people like that give the mexican scene a bad name

heh, well maybe not _that_ particular European promoter but you get the idea, right? i was attempting to point out that it can happen anywhere.

:oops: sorry to crash your thread.

really? where did you hear that from? what promoter, i mean, because there are several guys in metalipsis, which one? or all of them? i cant believe it!... i never thought anyone would do that!!! pure evil, i tell you! lets hunt him down!
this was told to me by the guy who sold me the tickets,he offered me a refund in cds because one of the partners ran off with the money
I don't know how true this is but there are people reading to sue the guy and they are doing the declarations now
es que yo no lo compre en el hard,en el puesto de enfrente del de peri hay uno de videos y el guey de ahi vendia los boletos,el fue quien me propuso lo de un cambio por discos el sabado,porque estaban poniendo una demanda unos gueyes pero eso se va a tardar un rato
Weeeeeell, the main page says something like,

"Metalipsis is a business dedicated entirely to the industry of "underground" music, focused mainly to the darkest and hardest genres of the musical scene, from "metal" to dark/gothic, passing through other similar currents. It came from the objective of offering a better option for your entertainment through organizing (HA!) and having concerts of national and international size. We recently had our first big event: Haggard, Ataraxia, and Elfonía, which was a huge success (it WAS quite impressive actually)... and next year, everything is more promising: the tour of Haggard's new release, and the latinamerican tour of Dark Tranquillity." Bla, bla, bla.

In the page you sent, they only mention the concerts they cancelled. They have a brief explanation of their version of what happened in their forum, actually, 2 of them, and both contradictory... Its too bad you cant read spanish, because its very entertaining to read all the complaints and insults they recieved... I actually feel sorry for them. Then again, they didnt keep MY money, so maybe thats why I feel so kindly.
Originally posted by Violet Baudelaire
Weeeeeell, the main page says something like,

"Metalipsis is a business dedicated entirely to the industry of "underground" music, focused mainly to the darkest and hardest genres of the musical scene, from "metal" to dark/gothic, passing through other similar currents. It came from the objective of offering a better option for your entertainment through organizing (HA!) and having concerts of national and international size. We recently had our first big event: Haggard, Ataraxia, and Elfonía, which was a huge success (it WAS quite impressive actually)... and next year, everything is more promising: the tour of Haggard's new release, and the latinamerican tour of Dark Tranquillity." Bla, bla, bla.

In the page you sent, they only mention the concerts they cancelled. They have a brief explanation of their version of what happened in their forum, actually, 2 of them, and both contradictory... Its too bad you cant read spanish, because its very entertaining to read all the complaints and insults they recieved... I actually feel sorry for them. Then again, they didnt keep MY money, so maybe thats why I feel so kindly.

Mucho gracias!