About the new album

I played Adventure of Link for the first time ever recently, and shit, that game is perhaps more esoterically difficult than Simon's Quest.

Why was this essay never written?
If you write it now, you can submit it to my workplace, a well-respected lit journal, and I will read it and take it very seriously.
All the essays I ever get to read are about people complaining that their moms are old or how they have writer's block so they decided to write a metatextual essay about having writer's block in order to overcome their writer's block while offering support to those that also have writer's block.

We never publish essays as a result.
i feel like probably most of the music that i write in the next few years is going to be similarly drawn out and boring to the average rock listener...


And on the subject of Zelda. I've tried to play the games, but never find enough time and patience. I feel the same way about never beating a Final Fantasy ever.
amaranth did sort of evoke images of poes and other things in zelda (specifically, things in majora's mask) for me.

i have not yet had a chance to play twilight princess :(
I'm not sure... it was a water level that turned into a water dungeon that turned into a "I'm not sick and missing school so I don't care anymore." I think it was the last of the whatever spirits that you needed to free, and then I assume the story makes a dramatic turn after that where freeing all the whatever spirits wasn't all you needed to do and then your adventure becomes even more fantastical. I think that was the level...