About to throw my amp out...

May 12, 2005
...the window soon!
I play a Jackson Kelly with Duncan JB pickups through an ENGL Powerball and a standard ENGL Cab, mike the cab w a sennheiser609 and an sm57 "Fredman" style if you wish and i find it god damn unbelivable to get a descent sound out of it.

It works great at rehersals and live but when miked för studio it just doesnt cut it.
The sound I'm after is something between In Flames Colony and Haunteds Revolver and my rig ought to cut that right? No matter how I set the amp there's always a scooped feeling right where the mid crunch ought to be.

Not even new tubes helped the matter...

What could the problem be? Time to change speakers perhaps, or should i give the powerball up altogether and get something else?
Well... start with just the 57.

Your gear is tip fuckin' top, so maybe you are getting some phasing issues making it sound weak. Get the 57 sounding titty then bring in the 609 (if you even need to).
BTW - If you do want to throw your gear out the window, please tell me what time as I will be down below with a big array of fluffy pillows prepared to hork the falling debris.
well, both albums you mentioned featured a 5150, and believe me, that amp is VERY different from any engl. yes, the engl does have a tad more clarity (some people call the 5150 messy....), but none of the engls has that midrange roar the 5150 has.
believe me, these are pretty much the exact same tones i like (esp. the haunted), and i used to own an engl blackmore. ok, i kinda wish i still had that amp, i should have experimented more with different tubes and stuff, but the 5150 is what i own now and it's MUCH closer to that sound right out of the box.
hey man don't worry we've all been there :hotjump:

I would seriously consider borrowing a 5150 or mesa and seeing how those heads work through the rest of your rig.

If it's still not great you might look at different speakers.

And to keep it simple just work with 1x57, imo if it aint cooking with 1x57 something is wrong :cool:
Well I'll for sure try getting hold of a 5150 head to compare with, is it the model1 that's the one to use?

The SM57 is really not my favourite microphone either, given the choice I'd rather use the E609
Fredrik-Ablaze said:
Well I'll for sure try getting hold of a 5150 head to compare with, is it the model1 that's the one to use?

The SM57 is really not my favourite microphone either, given the choice I'd rather use the E609
i like the 609 as well. not the silver, the real one. i think its really awesome sounding. if not that, try the i5 as well.
I had good results with my powerball by close micing with an SM57 or 58 and then using a condensor mic about 6 feet away and mixing the two but watch out for phase issues. I also used an EQ pedal in front of the amp in the upside down V pattern.