My first 'proper' mix (clip inside)

Hey Moonlapse,
listened to your mix finally.
For me it does sound as you have some phasing problems with the rhythm guitars more than it's a room problem.
You should look close at the waveforms and see if they are in phase. Sometimes delaying one about 0.2, 0.3 units makes them sound totally different.
The vocals sound pretty nice. :)
KSM, is that a shure mic?
Nope. One SM57. No spill either because the whole thing was done as overdubs. Makes the phase suggestion a tad void.. I just think it's the way we tracked them. I couldn't tell at the time because I thought it was just the NS-10s doing what they do best - sounding like shit.

About the vocal mic... I think it was a KSM27, although I may be wrong.. all 3 of those things look alike. We also had a 57 right next to it just in case. KSM had the better sound, all I really had to do was brighten the vocals up and de-ess a tad.
hey dude this song kicks ass!! it kicked so ass i did a little master ( or re-master)

if you don't like it fine but wanted your opinion. it's a bit too much high i know but i love the vocals with this master andthe basekick.

here's the link:

edit: you should turn your volume a bit up cuse the master somehow got the volume lower.

THE LINK DIED . . . .:(