About We Disintegrate song

I'm not for sure but I'll guess... right before the lyrics start he says something like, "like a hungry bullet, straight to the head I never miss." I can't remember what else is said, I 'll have to listen to the song very closely again. If anyone has the correct answer please let us all know.


ZANEX "I AM THE DOG":heh: :headbang:

In "ORGANIZED CHAOS" we are not free, we're just "SLAVES TO TECHNOLOGY"
i thought it was:

"i am the poet, the prophet in the pit. like a hollowpoint bullet straight to the head, i'll never miss....you."
Originally posted by Metal7000

"i am the poet, the prophet in the pit. like a hollowpoint bullet straight to the head, i'll never miss....you."

That sounds about right.

In any case, what a fucking great song! :headbang:
You are right about that!
What a fucking great song.
Brings Sanctuary to my thought (the riff could easily slip into one Sanctuary track). KICKS ASS!
Welcome back dude!
It 's been a while since i last saw any post from ya! And it's god damn good post. I just love CORONER.
CORONER used to fucking kick the asses of everyone who listened to them at their time.
At our time, well they still kick all our asses everytime we listen to them, and will continue to kick all the asses of every fucking metalhead who has the ultimate experience of a first time listen to them.

CORONER used to rule, they rule now, and will rule forever.
"i am the poet, the prophet in the pit. like a hollowpoint bullet straight to the head, i'll never miss....you."

well i agree to you but are you sure about hollowpoint? i can'T hear that....it sounds as it has two syllables. and btw: help my poor english...what is hollowpoint???
A hollow point leadmag can tear you up dude! Its a bullet with a hole in the end, when the bullet hits, it expands with litte JAGGED edges,,,,OUCH! That would really hurt HAHAHA!
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
I have "Mental Vortex", it's an awesome album, but the drumming is very out of place. What other Coroner albums would you recommend? I haven't heard any of their other albums.
Punishment for decadence
No more color

Man they rule!!!
Hollow point bullets are as ledmag said, they expand on impact, so they leave a small hole going in and a big one coming out. The problem is they aren't very good at piercing, so they are no good against body armor. Then you need armor piercing rounds, which are very hard and pierce well, but don't do as much damage as hollow point. And to think I don't even own a gun.

I don't know why I posted to this...it is a very old thread.