

Leather Rebel
Jul 7, 2003
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Hi everyone,
This is mainly for the people on this board who know me, just saying everything's going fine here although I haven't been posting (at all) lately. Thx for you PM JohnnyD, by the way.
As some of you already knew, the last months I wasn't here a lot because I had examinations. They ended last week and I most probably graduated! But, because - during that period - I was hardly on the net, I found out I didn't really miss it either as long as I had stuff to do. So this topic is mainly to let you know that also in the future I won't be here as much as I was before. The coming 3 months I have holidays, and I'm planning to go to many festivals, read many books (I'm halfways trough your essay now Hawkm it's fantastic :) ) play guitar more often and I might even get to some writing myself again. And in september I'll start my philosophy and literature sciences studies, so in short I'll have lots of things to do. But ofcourse I'll still be here, posting pictures from gigs and what not every now and then, but this is just to let you know all's fine here and there's not to worry! =)
Good to see you again Griffin! Great to hear you like my paper. If you have any questions let me know. There's nothing I like more than talking philosophy :)
Good my daughter, was about time you take more responsabilities than posting here :p
Griffin- said:
I was hardly on the net, I found out I didn't really miss it either as long as I had stuff to do.

Wow... you mean there's life outside the net? :) Sounds like you've got alot shaking these days Griffin... good for you! I have not been around here much either, waaaayyy too busy.... but I DO miss the place. I try to check in once or twice a week though.
Hey! Nice to see you... I have been kinda absent myself...

I am sure you graduated also... so congrats in advance! :)