Why I have not posted much lately


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
I am going trough some very rough times at the moment. I miss posting here and chatting with you all. But at the moment I am just not very motivated.

I am hoping for better times and a fast return [let's hope so!].

Until then, keep the spirit alive guy's and girls.

Hawk said:
I am going trough some very rough times at the moment. I miss posting here and chatting with you all. But at the moment I am just not very motivated.

I am hoping for better times and a fast return [let's hope so!].

Until then, keep the spirit alive guy's and girls.



Take care of yourself we will be here when you return! :headbang:
I hope everythign is ok.
Life is full of ups and downs, I hope yours is back on the up swing soon! Don't forget, we're always here when you need some one to bitch and complain to... or when you just need to yell at the top of your lungs how much the world sucks, were here to yell with you brother.
cant really say much more than the boys have already said hawk-hope things dont get too rough,and come back soon to us.

i'm sure the same goes for all the boys on the board,but dont hesitate to contact if you just want to talk or anything else ok!

hell,just havin you around here raises the average IQ score by about 30 points! :D
Here's to hawk's speedy return. Hopefully things will pick up for you, sir. Remember, in the immortal words of Norm Peterson on "Cheers"..."life treats me like a baby treats a diaper". We've all been there. They key is not to lose HOPE. Faith, hope and love. Hope you've got all three!