

Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
As of late, I have been wanting to try Absinthe.

Has anyone had it before? Does Thujone really give hallucinations? How harsh are they?

A coworker of mine told me about www.greenfairy.org Thomas mentioned www.alandia.de

The alcohol produces a sedative effect in absinthe drinkers while the thujone is reported to cause hallucinations (both visual and auditory) as well as excitation.

I've been hearing two different things. I have heard that Thujone, in fact, is a hallucinogen and have also been told that Absinthe doesn't cause hallucinations. I might be repeating myself here but does it really? I don't like hallucinations that LSD or Shrooms create. I basically want to try this not only for the alcohol content but to also experiment and see what parts of my brain will be unlocked while drinking Absinthe. I also don't want to spend $100+ on something that won't give me what I'm looking for.

well pure absinth doesnt give ya much hallucination, at least not to me... if ya want it, you have to make those special mixes with the burning sugar :)
ahh didnt read ya post

but i didnt knew that its called salvia divornium too ;)
Hmm don't get me wrong,

I spoke about sugar (when speaking about Absinthe) but I didn't mention it.
And Salvia Divinorum, this has nothing to do with Absinthe, it's an herb that gives hallucinations, as Sephiroth wanted some suggestions ^^.
Tried it once with the melting sugar the spoon with holes. Dunno if it was pure though. I even managed to burn my hand like a n00b haha.

Anyway, it doesnt taste too good (kinda like black licorice) but I did have the feeling of something different than normal alchohol. Not that much though (maybe it was psychological)...I'd try it again though, for the ul7im4te test.

PS : Easy with the Salvia (although it's legal) ... http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=239575
my bro had a few shots, woke up the next day in his underpands sleeping on the floor like a true bum \m/ :lol:
Lithium said:
*looks up, at the drug thread*

U guys, this thread is gonna be closed...

No it won't. Neither Absinthe nor Salvia are illegal. Absinthe is illegal in America, but not in other countries. And the laws reguarding it are never enforced, because the country doesn't really care. You can buy it from a website and have it shipped to you.

The way you're supposed to drink absinthe is this(I've done it, and have a bottle): Get a spoon with holes in it, fill a glass with the absinthe, get a sugar cube put it on the spoon and slowly pour water over it so the sugar cube melts and gets into the absinthe (along with the low amount of water). So, you're not really supposed to just drink it in shots, you dolts.