Absolutely beautiful cover of "Forever"

There are so many diffrent versions of NM's songs but this one is the best. Pure emotion > The best technique and gear. I hope i get to see it live on a DNB tour in 2 years with a full band back together... I hope
Great cover, and even better reminder that it's been a bit that I played DnB front to back and it needs to happen soon.
This. One thousand times this. And in Europe, please.
Man, i live in Poland in a complete shithole, so rarely any good metal bands play around here. When i heard that Warrel is playing in a city 20 minutes away from my house i was fucking shocked and later saddened by how small the club was and how little people were there. But the show was fucking awesome. In a perfect world it would have been the whole band together but we are not living in a perfect world... I just hope they will come back some day. I'm really determined to even travel throught the continent just to see Nevermore.
DNB start to finish plus a couple other songs during a snow storm in Detroit. Maybe 40 people there at peak. Rolling big bud on a table right next to the stage, my bar tab was horrendous from buying the bar rounds of drinks but that was the best goddamn show. The whole band was on fire that night even with the snowball fight. :)
DNB start to finish plus a couple other songs during a snow storm in Detroit. Maybe 40 people there at peak. Rolling big bud on a table right next to the stage, my bar tab was horrendous from buying the bar rounds of drinks but that was the best goddamn show. The whole band was on fire that night even with the snowball fight. :)
Sounds awesome. When was that?
1999? In Flames or the real Arch Enemy opened. It was after 8 am before we got home, 102 miles in the snow and ice with a healthy glow, cars in the median and ditches all the way home.