Absolutely Useless pieces of trivia

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Got a useless bit of trivie that noone really cares about but you still think it's pretty cool?

Put em in here.

Heres some:

Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest

A raisin dropped in a fresh glass of soda will bounce up and down continually from the bottom of the glass to the top
I dont think its imposible. That mountain climber dude who got his arm wedged between 2 rocks and was forces to chop it off at the shoulder with a rusty pocket knife could have quite easily licked his elbow as it was dangling from between the rocks...... He probably had more important things on his mind at the time though... probably
I just got back from my holiday on Fraser Island. I saw 4, yes, 4 dingoes. And also several catfish, a kite bird, a pack of wild brumbries, a goanna, a wallaby and a big arse spider which I think we killed. We also made friends with a one-legged grasshopper. We called him Anthony Hopkins. On the last night we gave him some tomato because he looked like he was in a pretty bad way. The next morning he was dead, and the other leg had fallen off.
One of my good friends lives in Texas with his wife. If they could they would be anywhere else, but she has cancer and the hospital they live near is the best in America for cancer treatment. She is never well enough for a decent period of time to travel to here which would be better for them as he is an Australian citizen and the treatment here is much better and costs less.