
Soilent Goat

May 26, 2002
Picked up "Tara" today and I must say this band is fucking (in Swingers terms..) MONEY!!! Black/Grooved out death at it's FINEST...killer album. Anyone else into them?
Yes, it's a really great album. The drumming is what stands out on that album for me. And like Ulvedal, I also think the opening riffs of Pillars of Mercy kick ass(as do all the riffs in that song).
I have only heard Tara but don't have it, I supposed to get it but then I didn't :s I only have The Third Storm of Cythrául which is also great.
I honestly view this album on par with ATG's "Slaughter of the Soul" and Slayer's "Reign in Blood" -- it's that good!

I was extremely prejudicial against Absu for many, many years and never gave their music a proper listen -- "Tara" completely changed that for me and I'm in the process, now, of acquiring their entire catalogue. Just got "Suns of Tipareth" (?) a few weeks ago and love it too . . .
Yes, they are very captivating. I haven't listened to anything but Absu since I got the album. I'm in a band of my own and we're pretty tight with our stuff but it's albums like this that honestly will make any band with any common knowledge of how much better and technical and ferocious bands like Absu are out there stop and rethink playing music at all..haha
Absu owns your soul. Them being local boys for me, I had the pleasure of seeing them play back in May, I think, w/Immortal here in Dallas. First live show in like 5 years, is what Proscriptor said. God they ruled.

np: Immolation - Failures For Gods
Hey, I didn't get to see that show w/Immortal but I know of both bands and im from texas as well. i saw dimmu borgir at Dreamcenter in Arlington.

nice to meet a neighbor \m/:D
Haha wow..I'm in Louisiana..damn..the south reigns here at UM!!! haha..oh shit I probably pissed off all the europeans with that one..I was only playing..
Originally posted by Holy Demoniac
hell yeah, I saw them at Dreamworld too. Killer show (though I almost didn't make it, I had never driven in Arlington before). Do you go to shows around here often?

well me and my friend had trouble finding that venue as well...i hadn't been there before. yeah i try to see shows when i can.