Aces, another one of those ego-stroking threads!


Aug 5, 2002
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Hey, I just thought I'd swing by and let you guys know that I think your songs are awesome. You guys really do have talent, and goddamnit, I can't fucking get Wallgarden out of my head. Can't wait for the CD to get here! Take it easy guys, and keep up the great music.

This thread really has no point, I guess, haha. Back to the Opeth forum with me!
I just got an email from a friend who visited Tampere last week. Said he was attacked by mosquitos from every angle virtually every second of the day...

Will the bastards still be around in three weeks?? What's the best thing to use to stop 'em? Napalm?

I arrive on the 17th by the way, around 1400 or so. Where will I meet you guys? Town centre somewhere?
Your plane arrives at Pirkkala Airport? We can pick you up from there since I'll be sober for a few hours from then on. You wanna come watch our rehearsals or will we stick with the "business"? :D

Marko also pointed out that the liquor-stores aren't open on Sunday. Will you steal wedding-punch, or will we take your orders? :)
Goodie! A chauffeur :)

I'll come to the rehearsal. I only ever go to those so I can have two minutes on the drum kit to embarrass myself :)

I will be a homo and stick to beers. I'm not a very good drinker, and liquor brings out the very worst in me. If you don't want to see my cock and balls, hide the vodka... :)
Ehh, ok. Well, we could play those gig-set -songs so that's about ½ hours or so. Maybe it's better not to play for very long. Let's hope Riku lets you touch his drums... :)
I think it was in the news that mosquito-problem has been worse than usually this year. I haven't noticed it though. Anyway, the cottage is in an island, so there shouldn't be that much mosquitos.

Lee, though I truely understand your point, drinking only beer for two a lot of bottles. The fucking boat will sink! :erk: And we're going to see your cock and balls anyway o_O :D

On the other hand, when counting the amount of bottles, I guess it would be nice to be sober somewhere between night 1 and night 2. We'll see about that. I've been trying to learn the european way of drinking lately anyway.