Aces, another one of those ego-stroking threads!

DotNoir said:
...laughing in sauna is inproper. It's serious thing. sauna that is. no fun. serious.

Really? I always thought that a bunch of men fully naked being together in a small room that reaches high degrees of temperature...

...was a good image to laugh at. :grin:

|ngenius (Serious? Never!)
Razed said:
Yes, we in the US are uncultured swine, I'll give you that, but I'm curious, does it like leave welts or anything?

I don´t know the meaning of the word "welt" but the only thing the sticks will leave behind are some leafs on your skin. And then you wash them off, of course.

Razed said:
What's the point of it?

I think the basic reason in the "old days " was to clean your skin.
Like we nowdays use a sponge.
Or to beat the crap out of the bad spirits that were haunting you.
I could be wrong.

Razed said:
Also, is it improper to laugh very hard when you hit people with the stick?


But when you use a stick in a sauna as a vihta, then it is improper.
You sit in sauna with this kinda face :erk: and beat the person next to you. Or yourself.

Helping any? :)
lumitalvi said:
IBut when you use a stick in a sauna as a vihta, then it is improper.
But of course, like in any finnish tradition, laughing can sometimes be forgiven if the laughing person is very, very, veery drunk... :)
I do understand it now, I guess. Thanks! And if you were wondering, a welt is a name for a sore or what have you that raises up from a really painful hit. If you've ever been hit with a paintball gun, they usually leave welts. They're rather painful.