achmed the dead terrorist

Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I didn't find this funny... at all. I didn''t even smile once. And I sat through the whole thing and gave it a chance. The audience began roaring with laughter over the dumbest things. I mean maybe I just have a weird sense of humour, but does anyone else feel that he was just pandering to the audience and people were just laughign harder because they were in that place. I mean it was mildly amusing but not LOL worthy to me. I'm glad others enjoyed it though.
WTF is up with you Joe? You're actually nice to people :hypno: I dont mean to be a prick, but lol'd more at the old Joe :(

:lol: I was always nice! Just less flaming now.

meh, I didn't really find it funny. It wasn't very clever comedy :/

Wasn't as funny as the audience made it seem. Mildly amusing at best.

Thank you both, I seriously thought something was wrong with me because I didn't even crack a smile but everyone else in the thread and the video were like "OMFG HILARIOUS". Glad I'm not the only one.

I think the new Joe is sweet:blush:
Thank you both, I seriously thought something was wrong with me because I didn't even crack a smile but everyone else in the thread and the video were like "OMFG HILARIOUS". Glad I'm not the only one.

Laughing is contagious. If you are in a surrounding with other people laughing, you well most likely join in because everyone else is. Its human nature. Just like the first couple of people who responded to the video posted LOL!!11! type responses and the following people just carried the trend, maybe believing it should be funny. Some psychology to it I guess. Sorry if I don't make sense :lol: