Acie, you're too tricky ...


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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[22:46] <E-bortion> D_Lioness Karen Karen Karen
[22:46] * E-bortion waits
[22:46] * E-bortion can envision karen popping up any second now
[22:46] <E-bortion> >_>
[22:46] * E-bortion rubs temples
[22:46] <E-bortion> o_O
[22:46] <E-bortion> so shes learned to ignore the script
[22:47] <E-bortion> ahaha
[22:47] <E-bortion> mweh
[22:47] <Lynn> ha
[22:47] <E-bortion> so ive killed a conversation most likely again
[22:47] <E-bortion> ill take that as cue to leave.
[22:47] <E-bortion> toodles.
[22:47] * E-bortion ( Quit
[22:48] <Lynn> <------goes out to freeze his ass on snowmobile
[22:48] <Lynn> laterz
[22:49] * Lynn ( Quit
[22:50] <D_Lioness> hehehe
[22:50] <D_Lioness> Acie, you tricky bastard :D

See? I was there :cool:
You think I'm good at mIRC... Just wait until you see what I can do with my penis...

Why don't you guys go on Undernet instead??

Oh wait, while typing I checked if there was a nevermore channel on undernet and there was one. These guys weren't even speaking english. It also looked pretty dead.... why don't we invade them???