Acoustic engineers needed, information on how to best treat a music venue


Dec 30, 2010
Alright guys there is a music venue in my area that is trying to upgrade the venue for anyone that has gone on tour through indiana you have probably played here it is a SHIT HOLE. The sound is the worst thing you have ever heard.

basically what i need is information that i would like to give to the owner about how to best acoustically treat the venue.

Dimensions (rough estimate): 40' wide 30' high and 50' deep
This used to be an old movie theater so the floor slant up away from the stage the walls and floor are concrete it is in the shape of a rectangle basically.

What should be done to BEST treat this place if you need more information just ask and i will attempt to get that for you. What should be done, what specific products should be used, as of now price isnt really something to worry about.

Thanks and i hope to hear from you soon!

EDIT: Total room is 80 feet deep - mains are 25' from back wall, so sound area is 55' x 40' W x 17' H (I was way off on that height estimate. Walls are plaster (this building was built in 1927). there is a balcony that is 10' deep in the rear of the main room and underneath it is an identical area wit a 4' wall separating it from the room. Stage is 25' x 25'
What's 'wrong' with it?

Does it resonate?
Do you have excessive flutter at high SPLs?

Describing the room isn't really all that helpful in determining what the appropriate solutions could be.
A certified Acoustician will be able to sort you out with everything you'll need. Including making measurements that will show you were the problem frequencies are, excessive reverb times etc.