Acoustic Geeeetar

Erik said:
Death in June "Rose Clouds of Holocaust" and "But, What Ends When The Symbols Shatter?"
Sol Invictus "The Blade" & "The Death of the West"
Of the Wand and the Moon "Emptiness : Emptiness : Emptiness"

(lol I didn't realize how old this thread was, oh well there you go)

Death In June is awesome as is older Sol Invictus, especially Lex Talionis. I still need to check Of The Wand and The Moon. I keep hearing about them.
I really love Of the Wand and the Moon! I need to order their cds, or the boxset with the 3 albums on vinyl + 2 cds of bonus stuff! I emailed Kim and asked him about the boxset, and he referred me to another guy who had it for 60 euros including shipping. that's a lot of money for me! too much, even


Nighttime Nightrhymes is a good place to start, very nice songs on there. Nothing too special done on the guitar though, mostly just strumming. Awesome atmosphere, nice soothing vocals.
HEY! aircut:ciwi has the best Tenhi track (Kielo) so get it if you haven't yet.
Vali rocks , get Oktor at this label if you order Vali , good Doom EP.