care to elaborate?
God dammit I hate mixerman
What a fucking baby
He's like 50 years old or something and talks like he is 5
I read half of his book on the womb forum
Fucking loved it
Except for one character
He has the ability to write in a very eloquent and humerous way, but he is such a dick
I was at the womb a few weeks ago reading about how his post has been removed. He is bitching, and bitching, then when someone challenges him he claims it is a legal matter.
Mixerman has no multi million budgets coming his way no more, he has a book written in such a niche genre that he has to spam the real forum and even then he is a paying sponsor he gets posts removed for over stepping the boundaries. His forum is basically him complaining and a dozen or so other posters just sucking up to him. I suspect most of those mixerman followers are in fact mixerman, using multiple accounts to create the image that he actually has a folliwing.
Gearsluts would generate a lot of cash, that is what he wants to do with the womb. He is a dodgey arrogant old douchebag who may be awesome at mixing, but I don't actually know because of him being anonymous.
I think mixerman is a desparate old fuck who needs to get laid more. I hope he reads this, yet I doubt he bothers about this forum because he can't see the profit for him in it.