Acoustic treatment question


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I'll probably have to track drums in a new room which is small and pretty dead sounding. Small means that a double-kick kit would possibly not fit so yeah, pretty small. I wonder if some Hofa diffusors or DIY ones would do the job and save the day. I've never used these things but I've read good stuff about them. I think I'll have to cover all my walls with such treatment tho! :) Thoughts?
I'd go with a combination of these (supposed to make a small room sound bigger according to Auralex) and these (same stuff but cheaper than the Hofa ones) and maybe some these on the ceiling (but if the room is already dead sounding they won't do much) plus some corner traps.
Thanks. I will check the first one and try them asap. Will take the DIY way for bass traps.
i´d too make it as dead as possible (10cm all over, plus bass traps in the corners), and use a digital room. This is way too small to be usable
Ok, good to know your opinions on this because making it as dead as possible was my first idea tbh but then I really thought it could finally produce some really shitty sounding drum tones with absolutely no sustain (which is correct tho) but yeah room samples and good verbs can do the trick with no problem. The cymbal tones are still a very probable issue in this case... Of course I have to test.

Another option is maybe raising, in another place.. It under a house I'll maybe live in. Nothing sure atm tho. This another room is about 7m x 10m (23ft x 32ft), concrete on the floor. It seems a lot better to me, more ways to make a "good" sounding drum room with it. So in this scenario, it would be bass traps, some absorbers in the right places and some rugs. Diffusor panels here and there could then be usefull I guess? My wish is to produce the bigger possible 'space' (in a good way of couuurse)