Pros and hobbyists: Best environment (acoustically) for micing a cab?


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
I know there are a good amount of pros here, yet a good amount of small-time guys that also get great guitar tones.

In your opinion, what is the ideal acoustic environment for recording heavy guitar? I know Andy said he prefers recording in a "deadish" room.

To us that do not all have pro treated live rooms, what is our next best option? If I was to buy some sound deadening panels, what would be the best spot for them?

My "control room" is a spare bedroom, but my regular bedroom is small and pretty dead sounding. I'm thinking of micing in there. It has no echo whatsoever. I suppose I can benefit from some panels.

I'm not trying to half-ass acoustic treatment here, I'm just trying to optimize this situation on a budget. I'm already getting usable guitar tones, but want to make them the best possible for my needs.


One thing that I liked the sound of when I tried it is putting three chairs around the mic (forming a square, with the cab being one of the sides, and with the backs of the chairs facing in), and draping a heavy blanket inside them - seemed to make it more full, but I haven't tried it for AWHILE, so maybe now that a lot of my n00bness has been dispelled I wouldn't like it as much...
Surround the cab with some form of relatively dense pourous material, like open cell foam, thick ass blankets and most effectively rockwool.

Metaltastic- I've done that loads of times. It works :) I think it actually creates a limp membrane trap as well as just normal absorbtion, but I'm not 100 percent sure thats right.

If you can only partially surround it the front is most important obv.
