Recommend me a preamp for SM7B and micing guitars

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
I use an RME 9632 PCI card for my audio interface... I'm programming drums (slate and superior 2.0/metal foundry). I want to get a preamp or possibly two for micing up my guitar cab and recording vocals with my SM7B. The second preamp would only be for trying out micing cabs with two mics at once, so it's not totally necessary... just something I was considering.

I guess my price range is anywhere up to about $600 for a used preamp... I'm looking for something quality for use with SM57s for guitar and SM7B for vocals... not a total budget preamp, but not something really, really pricey either.... Also, I'd like something with a good amount of gain on tap so I can push the SM7B if I want to... I know it takes a good bit of gain.

There's just a bunch of choices, so I'd like to narrow it down a little bit with some help from you guys. What should I be looking at? What do you recommend?
Yup, the FMR RNP is one I've been watching... also the Grace 101... leaning more towards the RNP though. just seeing if anyone throws out a recommendation for something I don't know about or if any of you have any postive (or negative) comments about the RNP or grace 101...
I use the ART Pro MPA Tube Pre and like it. I think I gave around 300 bucks for it new a year or two ago. I swapped out the tubes and it does pretty good with my SM7b. IMHO, you won't notice a huge difference in any pre in the 200 to 1000 dollar range (note the word HUGE). I think there was a pretty good shootout over on Brandon Drury's Recording Review website where he put up a cheap pre against one costing several thousand, and while the more expensive one sounded better, they weren't that far apart.

Anyway, The Brick is another one that is pretty solid. Good luck to you.
anything with loads of gain. I have an Audient ASP008 which has 60dB and I'll have anything around 50dB for vocals. It also have variable impedance and I prefer my SM7b at 200 ohms rahter than 1.2k or 5k so I'd go for something with lower impedance too.