FOA thanks so much all of you for helping me when I needed it finding a way to treat my control&recording room!!
Let´s go. I hired a local over my neighbourhood and started to prepared it to be my recording studio. I had to build new walls, put doors, floating floor and ceiling and did a complete insulation&soundproofing of the rooms. Once they finished and with the room empty I played a bunch of songs I´m tired to listen to see how it sounded.
Surprise! No low end problem, as it´s a room in a room there´s some space between the new walls with the original ones, so there´s a good absorption in those frequencies, but I found a big hi-mid reverb time when playing the song and found the room very lively too.
So I started gathering info (thanks Jarkko!) and voilá!
Superchunks bass traps (not quite big, as I don´t want to kill the bass 100%) 30x30x43 cm

These are a variation I saw on gearslutz, it´s a square version made with parts bought in IKEA, price of each is 45 and they work pretty good and is easy to assemble!

These are standar broadband absorvers, the structure is made with parts from IKEA and costed me 10 each! (rockwool 211 4cm inside two units)

So if any of you are interested in a more indepth info just ask as I have my knowledge pretty fresh now
FOA thanks so much all of you for helping me when I needed it finding a way to treat my control&recording room!!
Let´s go. I hired a local over my neighbourhood and started to prepared it to be my recording studio. I had to build new walls, put doors, floating floor and ceiling and did a complete insulation&soundproofing of the rooms. Once they finished and with the room empty I played a bunch of songs I´m tired to listen to see how it sounded.
Surprise! No low end problem, as it´s a room in a room there´s some space between the new walls with the original ones, so there´s a good absorption in those frequencies, but I found a big hi-mid reverb time when playing the song and found the room very lively too.
So I started gathering info (thanks Jarkko!) and voilá!
Superchunks bass traps (not quite big, as I don´t want to kill the bass 100%) 30x30x43 cm

These are a variation I saw on gearslutz, it´s a square version made with parts bought in IKEA, price of each is 45 and they work pretty good and is easy to assemble!

These are standar broadband absorvers, the structure is made with parts from IKEA and costed me 10 each! (rockwool 211 4cm inside two units)

So if any of you are interested in a more indepth info just ask as I have my knowledge pretty fresh now
