Active monitors, ok to just leave on or turn on when using?

I leave mine on sometimes for a day and overnight but not like I turn it off just because I stepped away for a while.

Most Monitors have some sort of self protect mode when you first power it up. Turning it on and off more frequently should be fine. Just helps cut down on electricity bills/carbon footprints or what have you.

Had been doing that with my self powered Mackies for over 10 years and never a single issue with them.

I dont think its quite as harsh on them as say turning off a computer or monitor every time you use it. Those I leave on for weeks at a time unless I am not going to be using it for a period of time.

I would lean toward turning them off as opposed to leaving them on all the time just because things like a PC have fans to keep them cool.
I leave my monitors on all the time at home. I use them so much that it really doesn't matter. We also leave them on at the studio all the time. Most people I know always leave them on.
I turn them down when not using. I made a switch integrated into my desk for that purpose, but lol ended up using another desk a week later (Now have enough room to be able to access the back of them and turn then off/on in 2 seconds). Anyway, it's really up to you and how much you care about your electrical bill!
Mine are on like 24/7 unless there is a storm which I turn everything off. From what I've heard before, turning electronics on and off shortens the life of many components, it's supposedly better for them to leave them on (except for the fact they are using electricity the whole time).
Focal twins switched on last and switched off first every day.
This is important so you don't send them any "pops" from power up/down from other equipment.
Studio where I teach leaves neve and ssl desks on 247 but monitors get switched off every night.
If i know i won't be using it for a long period (3 days or more) i turn everything off. If i'm using it everyday though the only thing i ever keep on overnight is the computer and interface/converters, monitors and outboard get turned off everyday.
Mine are on like 24/7 unless there is a storm which I turn everything off. From what I've heard before, turning electronics on and off shortens the life of many components, it's supposedly better for them to leave them on (except for the fact they are using electricity the whole time).

I've heard this many times and many people seem to have different opinion on it. I personally never heard of someone outliving a piece of equipment that died because they kept turning it on and off. I think it's just one of those theoretical things that is more "safe practice" but is not a really a set rule. I tried leaving everything on before and i noticed my electricity bill go up so i decided to keep that to a minimum lol. YMMV
I wonder how much electricy my rockit6s cost when on 24/7

Had the same question with my Event 20/20 because I always had them on 24/7. Then I measured powered consumption and quickly turned them off when not using them.

Switched on each of them pulled 60W. 1kWh costs about 23cent here in Germany.

So: (2 x 60W x 24h x 365days) / 1000 =~ 1051kWh/year x 0,23cent =~ 241€/year

Much money to save if you turn them off when not using them.
Mine are always on, though they are connected digitally through S/PDIF, so when I turn my interface off, they go into Standby mode.
switched on last and switched off first every day


when i was going to school for engineering, the instructor had wired everything in the studio to a bank of switches, and was adamant that we power everything on/off in the same order whenever entering/leaving the studio.

1st on was the PC
2nd on was the analog rack
3rd on was the mixing desk
last on was the monitors

shutdown was the same order reversed. he also stated the importance of using external switches whenever possible, so that when a switch fails(because they all do eventually), it's one that's cheap and easy to replace, rather than the one inside of any given piece of equipment.
While I don't have anything special in my Behringer B2301A's, they do have a nice handy AUTO Power feature (switchable on/off AUTO) that sort of works like a standby in that it powers down the system when no input signal is detected. So while I leave my system on almost all the time including my Roland V-Studio interface, at least my monitors, both audio and displays (I have my screen power down after 1 hour of no use), get shut down at night.

I do have an APC Back-Up PRO UPS system for battery backup and automatic shutdown if required so my devices won't suffer from the down, up, down, up damages of those power outages that can kill electronic devices (I've lost a few items in the past before I had a UPS).